sp_helpdistpublisher @check_user = 1

  • Hi,

    We have a SQL 2000 server that we have recently undertaken support of. This is not setup as a distributor or a publisher. It is not involved in replication. Yet there are a number of connections (100+ on some days) on the master database from user NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM application SQLDMO_xxx executing

    exec sp_helpdistpublisher @check_user = 1.

    Why would it be doing that, when the server is not setup for replication? The majority of these connections are taking up ZERO disk I/O and CPU time and are running at 25 and 55 mins past the hour, every hour.

    Reporting Services is installed on this server.

    Appreciate your help.

    Thanks, Siz

  • It looks like Reporting Services is using SQL-DMO to pull reports.  I would look at whatever application(s) that are set-up using RS and see when they run (possibly at 5 till the bottom/top of the hour)....

    I would also contact the DEV team that wrote the RS reports in .NET and find out what they are doing ....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


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