sp_help_revlogin + Server Roles

  • Hi All,

    I followed the suggestions in the KB article on how to backup user names and passwords...and all is good. However, after running through disaster recovery on a new server I found that any Server roles that the user had were lost. Is there any script which will allow me to also copy the users Server Roles??

    Thanks In Advance,


  • Here's one that I wrote...

    By the way, this will only work for SQL 2000, it will need minor modifications for 7.0


    -- af_revLoginAttrib_2k

    -- Verify existence of af_revLoginAttrib_2k procedure.  If it does exist,

    -- drop it, so that it can be re-created.

    if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[af_revLoginAttrib_2k]') and

     OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)


      print 'dropping existing af_revLoginAttrib_2k procedure.'

      drop procedure [dbo].[af_revLoginAttrib_2k]

      print 'creating af_revLoginAttrib_2k procedure.'



    create procedure af_revLoginAttrib_2k




    -- Module Name: af_revLoginAttrib_2k


    -- Description:

    -- The purpose of this procedure is to script the attributes

    -- (default db, roles, etc) associated with the login-ids on a server.


    -- Written By: Steve Phelps           


    -- Date: July 15, 2003          


    -- Modified :                                      

    -- Date:                                           


    -- USAGE:                                           


    --  exec af_revLoginAttrib_2k




      @command varchar(500),

     @name    varchar(30),

     @dbname   varchar(128),

     @DenyLogin  int,

     @HasAccess  int,

     @IsNTName  int,

     @IsNTGroup  int,

     @IsNTUser  int,

     @SysAdmin  int,

     @SecurityAdmin int,

     @ServerAdmin int,

     @SetupAdmin  int,

     @ProcessAdmin int,

     @DiskAdmin  int,

     @DBCreator  int,

     @BulkAdmin  int


    declare login_cur cursor for


       name, dbname, denylogin, hasaccess, isntname,

       isntgroup, isntuser, sysadmin, securityadmin, serveradmin,

       setupadmin, processadmin, diskadmin, dbcreator, bulkadmin

      from master..syslogins

      where name not in ('BUILTIN\Administrators', 'sa', 'SA')

      order by name

    open login_cur

    fetch next from login_cur into
















    if (@@fetch_status = -1)


      close login_cur

      deallocate login_cur

    --  return -1





      while (@@fetch_status <> -1)


        if (@@fetch_status <> -2)


    --     begin processing current user.

          print ' '

          print '-- processing attributes for id = ' + @name

    --     set the default database.

          select @command = 'exec sp_defaultdb ' + char(39) + @name +

           char(39) + ', ' + char(39) + @dbname + char(39)

          print @command

    --     add user to applicable roles.

          if @SysAdmin = 1


            select @command = 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +

             char(39) + @name + char(39) + ', ' +

             char(39) + 'sysadmin' + char(39)

            print @command



           if @SecurityAdmin = 1


             select @command = 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +

              char(39) + @name + char(39) + ', ' +

              char(39) + 'securityadmin' + char(39)

             print @command


           if @serveradmin = 1


             select @command = 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +

              char(39) + @name + char(39) + ', ' +

              char(39) + 'serveradmin' + char(39)

             print @command


           if @SetupAdmin = 1


             select @command = 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +

              char(39) + @name + char(39) + ', ' +

              char(39) + 'setupadmin' + char(39)

             print @command


           if @ProcessAdmin = 1


             select @command = 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +

              char(39) + @name + char(39) + ', ' +

              char(39) + 'processadmin' + char(39)

             print @command


           if @DiskAdmin = 1


             select @command = 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +

              char(39) + @name + char(39) + ', ' +

              char(39) + 'diskadmin' + char(39)

             print @command


           if @DBCreator = 1


             select @command = 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +

              char(39) + @name + char(39) + ', ' +

              char(39) + 'dbcreator' + char(39)

             print @command


           if @BulkAdmin = 1


             select @command = 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +

              char(39) + @name + char(39) + ', ' +

              char(39) + 'bulkadmin' + char(39)

             print @command


         end -- if (@@fetch_status <> -2)

        fetch next from login_cur into
















       end -- while (@@fetch_status <> -1)

       close login_cur

       deallocate login_cur

     end -- (@@fetch_status = -1)







  • Did you find a solution? I have the same problem. I am using transferring login from SQL Server 2008 r2 to 2012

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