sp_grantdbaccess from other database

  • Hello guys.

    I'm currently preparing a daily DB restore (data warehousing).

    All the restore process is made from a single SP called from some other DB.

    All has gone ok, but I came into a problem when I try to add some database users, since sp_grantdbaccess and sp_addrolemember work on the current db... and USE statements are not allowed in SPs.

    How can programatically add users from another DB?


  • Have you tried 'fully qualifying' the name?




  • But I'm adding a user, it's not an object.

    EXEC importeddb.dbo.sp_grantdbaccess 'user'

    Won't work since sp_grantdbaccess is a procedure stored in master db.

  • System stored procedures do follow the same execution convention as user stored procedures so that the SQL batch "EXEC importeddb.dbo.sp_grantdbaccess 'user'" will actualy run versus the importeddb not versus the current database.

    Test batch:

    use master


    exec sp_addlogin @loginame = 'MyTestLogin' , @passwd = 'password'


    exec NorthWind.dbo.sp_grantdbaccess @loginame = 'MyTestLogin'


    exec sp_helpuser @name_in_db = 'MyTestLogin'


    exec NorthWind.dbo.sp_helpuser @name_in_db = 'MyTestLogin'


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • OMG! That's true.

    I had never believed that could be true.

    Thank you both!

  • I missed "NOT" in my statement.

    Should be:

    System stored procedures do NOT follow the same execution convention as user stored procedures so that the SQL batch "EXEC importeddb.dbo.sp_grantdbaccess 'user'" will actualy run versus the importeddb not versus the current database.

    There is also a undocumented system procedure, sp_MSForEachDB, that will cause a SQL statement to run versus each database. For example, to grant database access for a login named to each user database, run:

    exec sp_MSForEachDB

    @replacechar = N'?'

    , @command1 =

    'if db_id(''?'') > 4 exec [?].dbo.sp_adduser '''''

    The @replacechar will be replaced by the database name.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

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