sp_getapplock issue

  • hi,


    DB Instance supporting Our BizTalk server is having a scheduled job for taking full and trans backup.

    Support members from Microsoft have used some stored procedure to take backups (during the implementation phase)


    this job is currently running infinitely. while analysing the stored proc provided by MS team, I found

    sp_getapplock stored procedure is running infinitely resulting backup job failure and other inconsistancy in BizTalk environment.

    can anyone of us clarify

    1. what is the purpose of sp_getapplock

    2. how we can troubleshoot if sp_getapplock is running for long time.

    thanks in advance

  • 1. sp_getapplock applies a user defined application lock. It saves an applicaiton having to cope with locking tables.

    2. As sp_getapplock is waiting indefinately, SET LOCK_TIMEOUT must be set to -1 (the default).

    I suspected a session application lock has been set in the code with no corresponding sp_releaseapplock.

    (This may have happened due to poor error handling.)

    Look for something like:

    EXEC sp_getapplock 'ResourceName', ' Session'

    there should be a corresponding:

    EXEC sp_releaseapplock 'ResourceName'

    If there is no sp_releaseapplock, you will need to add it.

    If there is a sp_releaseapplock, you will need to check it is run if an error occurs.

    All locks will be cleared if you re-start SQL Server.

  • Thanks Ken

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