SP_executeSQL Question

  • just wondering.....

    One of our developer has asked me the next question;

    We have a OLAP fact table (15.000.000 records) which has a view on top (for OLTP issues) gathering some SUM calulations. Now we have a Stored Procedure which is querying this view using "sp_executeSQL". The performance of this SP is 10 times slower as executing the same (compilated) selects-string, used in the sp_executeSQL, in the QueryAnalyzer.

    The dev team forgot to "id" and "index" this view ( and set no schemabinding as well ) but the result will be probably the same -- 10 to 1 ( its to complex to add all these things )

    What can be the cause of this slow action?.....anyone???

    Guus kramer

    The Netherlands

  • This is called "dynamic SQL" when you use sp_executeSQL to execute string . It's slows down query, because it parced on every execution. I think this is the main reason.

  • Svetlana,

    I know the purpose and use of sp_execute SQL but....

    ....my question is why this mechanisme is that slow comparing to a 'normal' parse through SQL Analyzer.....

    ....What does it do???....

    ....I know for instance that the 2 ways mentioned give a complete different execution plan....but why???


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