sp_executesql dynamic columns in select statement

  • can i use sp_excecutesql to run a cmd that has a parameter for the column. so the cmd looks like this

    @cmd = N'select @col1 from dbo.testtable'

    also can you do something like

    @cmd = N'select * from @sometable'

    I know the specifics of passing the parameters to sp_executesql, but i can't get the actual columns or tables to be dynamic.


  • @cmd = N'select @col1 from dbo.testtable'

    I am not sure if this correct and would need to test but if you give it a try I would think something like this may work

    @cmd = N'select ' + @col1 + 'from dbo.testtable'

    The other way is which may work is

    declare @SQLString AS VARCHAR(max)

    set @SQLString = 'select ' + @col1 + 'from dbo.testtable'

    @cmd = @SQLString

    My home server is done when I get into my office I will give this a try

    I am a Senior Data Analyst/DBA
    I work with MS SQL, Oracle & several ETL Tools


  • -- This can be used for your solution. But this is not a complete solution.

    -- Chance for having sql injection.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Dynamic_Query_Example] (@p_category varchar(20))



    declare @v_count int

    declare @sql_query varchar(max), @p_category_select varchar(max)

    select @v_count = count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'test' and column_name = @p_category

    if @v_count >0






    print 'Invalid column name'


    print @sql_query

    exec (@sql_query)



    Siva Kumar J

  • Thanks for the advice, but i'm not looking to do string concatenation...i need to have the parameters passed usin sp_executesql

  • Did you try the Ex I posted I have not had time to test

    I am a Senior Data Analyst/DBA
    I work with MS SQL, Oracle & several ETL Tools


  • HI

    I did not try your example per se, because it use string concatenation with the @table or @col outside of quotes.

    This will lead to sql injection. What i was looking for was an

    example where the string looks like ' select @col from @table' all inside the quotes and then @col and @table are passed as variables to the sp_executesql stored procedure.

    I never got it to work, but my app isn't a web app, so sql injection is not a big deal. I just wanted to code it securely anyways.

  • The sp_executesql procedure works like a dynamic SP so you can only pass values, and not object names, as parameters.

    To guard against SQL injection you can validate column names against INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS and table names against INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES.

  • Thanks

    That is the answer I was looking to confirm my thoughts.

    Thanks for the advice too.

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