
  • Hi all,

    A newbie question for you all.

    I'm trying to use sp_dboption to make the same change on multiple user databases at the same time. I think I can do this using nested sprocs but it's pretty complicated for a newbie.

    I figured I'd create sproc declare the dboption variables and then set those variables. I can set the @optname and @optvalue very easily, but I'm having trouble figuring out how pass multiple database names into sp_dboption. My thought was to use a select query from the master database name column where dbid > 4 to make sure I don't affect any system databases, but NAME is a reserved word.

    Am I going at this in way to complicated a manner? Am I all wet in my approach? If I'm not, or even if I am, just how would I accomplish this?

    Any and all help would be appreciated. My main goal in this exercise is to see if I'm thinking through the problem correctly as t-sql is my first coding experience and I'm teaching myself, but I'd also like to solve the problem too.



  • quote:

    My thought was to use a select query from the master database name column where dbid > 4 to make sure I don't affect any system databases, but NAME is a reserved word.

    I presume you mean that you're using a cursor. You should be able to select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases even with name being a reserved words. I do it myself. But if you do run into a conflict with any reserved words, you can simply enclose the word in square brackets, like this:

    Select [name]

    from master.dbo.sysdatabases

  • jxflagg,

    I just had to drive my wife to work and on my way there I realized that a cursor would be the tool to use. Thanks for confirming this. I appreciate it.

  • Hi once again.

    I've put something together but I'm misunderstanding a part of the process of taking the cursor output and placing it into sp_dboption. I can create the sproc and the cursor but when I run it I get an error stating that a cursor name "next" doesn't exist.

    Could I get you to take a look at my code and tell me how I'm screwing this up. Once you get up off the floor from laughing at my newbie mistakes I'd really appreciate some more help. 🙂

    ALTER proc sptakedbsoffline


    Declare @dbname varchar(20)

    Declare @optname varchar(10)

    Declare @optvalue varchar(6)

    set @optname = 'offline'

    set @optvalue = 'true'

    declare DbName Cursor



    select [name] from master.dbo.sysdatabases where dbid > 4

    Open DbName

    Fetch next from DbName into @dbname --populate variable from cursor

    While @@Fetch_status=0


    exec sp_dboption @dbname, @optname, @optvalue

    Fetch next into @dbname


    close dbname

    deallocate dbname

  • I just figured it out. I'd given it up for a while and had an inspiration and it worked.

  • EXEC sp_MSForeachdb 'if "?" IN ("db1", "db2", "db2") EXEC sp_dboption ?, "dbo only", true'

    Edited by - jdausubel on 12/22/2003 10:51:35 AM

  • quote:

    EXEC sp_MSForeachdb 'if "?" IN ("db1", "db2", "db2") EXEC sp_dboption ?, "dbo only", true'

    Edited by - jdausubel on 12/22/2003 10:51:35 AM


    EXEC sp_MSForeachdb 'if db_id(''?'') > 4 EXEC sp_dboption ?, ''dbo only'', true'

    * Noel

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