
  • Greetings,

    I have recently inherited a new production database on a new server (through company acquisition) that is quickly filling up the data drive on the server. I have subsequently purged a lot of data from this database and tried shrinking the file (bad practise I know - but faced with no other choice at the minute) but the space is not getting released back to the OS.

    I'm aware of the "sp_clean_db_file_free_space" and "sp_clean_db_free_space" procedures but have never actually utilised these before. Has anyone any experience of these and if I execute them will they/should they clean up space for me and allow me to release memory back to the OS after a shrink.

    N.B. If this is successful, I plan to rebuild all the indexes after the shrink! 😎

  • Is there actually free space in the data file? If you run the following command on the database in question, what is the result?

    Select (select



    from master.sys.master_files


    database_id = db_id()

    and type_desc = 'Rows') as PercentageUsed

  • sp_clean_db_file_free_space removes ghost records - records that have already been deleted. This is unlikely to be your problem. Have you checked which tables are consuming the space and growing the quickest? There is a built-in report to see table size. In SSMS, right-click on the database in question, click Reports > Standard Reports and you have two Disk Usage by Table reports to choose from. Perhaps you just have a table that is receiving a lot of new data. Maybe some of it can be archived off. Just shrinking the database file won't achieve anything other than fragmentation if the database needs the extra space.

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