sp_addlinkedserver and Excel

  • I have setup a stored procedure that utilizes sp_addlinkedserver and sp_addlinkedsrvlogin to connect to an Excel Spreadsheet.

    It works well. I see my linked server on my SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

    The problem that I am having is that my linked server does not recognize the worksheet within the spreadsheet as a table. This results in my linked server containing no tables.

    Does anyone have any ideas of what I should look at to resolve this issue?

  • John,

    Have you tried drilling down through EM to "see" what tables exist??

    You should be able to see Sheet1$, Test$ etc.

    and refer to it as test...Sheet1$

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • Yes, the linked server to the spreadsheet displays no tables.

  • The issue was that the Excel file was residing on the hard drive of the client instead of a server. Once I moved it to the server all of my troubles disappeared!

  • to make path on any other machine write something like this


    i hope this help u

    Alamir Mohamed

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