SP4 & Enterprise Manager problems

  • I have installed SP4 today, every things was working fine before the installation. After I installed SP4 the enterprise manager failed to open with an error below

    "MMC cannot open the file path\SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC

    This may be because the file does not exist, is not an MMC console, or was created by a later version of MMC. This

    - Rattu

  • I would just reinstall the client tools. Use the install disk, you'll get a screen asking if you want to install: Server and Client Tools, Client Tools only, and something else. Choose Client Tools only.

    This also might be due to a MDAC incompatibility issue if it's on a remote system. Make sure the MDAC versions are the same.


  • 1: Rename the "SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC" file under "C:\Program

    Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN" to "SQL Server Enterprise Manager.xxx"

    2: Open MMC (click Start | Run | write MMC and press Enter)

    3: Click "File" and select "Add/Remove Snap-in"

    4: Click the "Add" button

    5: Locate "Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager" in the list and click "Add"

    6: Click "Close"

    7: Click "File" and select "Options"

    8: On the "Console" tab, In the drop-down menu for "Console mode", select "User

    mode - full access"

    9: Still on the "Console" tab, check the box called "Do not save changes to this

    console" then click "OK"

    10: Click "File" and chose "Save As"

    11: Browse to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN" and save the

    file as "SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC"

    12: Try starting the Enterprise Manager via the Start Menu.

  • Thankyou all, specially Lakhani. The problem is solved! I guess it was due to some corruption in the MSC file. Thankyou all.



    - Rattu

  • Lakhani>>Thank God for people like you

  • thanks thanks thanks thanks!!!!!!!!

    (from Argentina)

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