• Did anyone install this yet?  Anything to look out for?

  • I've installed it on my development servers but don't have anything to report as yet.

    The @@error bug seems to be fixed and some queries seem to run faster.

    What I am not sure about is whether the analysis services SP4 should be installed in addition to the standard SP4 or whether analysis services is included within the standard SP4

  • I installed it on 2 Win2k systems and a Windows Server 2003, all three were upgrades from SP3.  No problems on the Win2k boxes, but the 2003 server reported the following error at the very end:

    "This application has failed because mssadmws.dll was not found.  Re-installing the app may fix this problem."

    I continued on and it's up and running.

    Now I'm here to see if anyone else has seen it.  I'm headed to Microsoft's site to dig deeper.

  • Looks like there are three seperate Service Packs:

    One for Database Components, One for Analysis Services, and One for MSDE

  • I've installed it on my developement machine (xp sp2) , and had one problem  in replsys.out, which I sorted. Once installed no issues at all

    Login failed for user '<my account>. Reason: Server is in single

    user mode. Only one administrator can connect at this time.

    I've also installed it on one server which had the 818 build with no issues.


  • We have installed in on several servers, both W2k and W2k3, and have only found one problem.

    When SQLDiag is run, it fails with a C++ Runtime Library error:

    Buffer overrun detected

    Anyone else seen this?

  • I have just tried sqldiag on my developer edition xp2 destop and got the same error


  • So have I

    Applied to my laptop running XP sp1, on top of an 818 build of SQL 2000 (Developer)


    "I don't know what I don't know."

  • As I suspected, a real bug.

    Does anyone have a support agreement with MS to see if they have a patched SQLDiag available?

    We have confirmed that the SQLDiag binary is new with SP4.

  • Is anybody else slightly perturbed by the output of

    Select @@Version


    Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)

     May  3 2005 23:18:38

     Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation

     Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 1)

    Built at 23:18,  3 days before release!

    Or is that UTC

    "I don't know what I don't know."

  • another

    I thought I would read through the download page one more time before doing my first test install and I came across this:

    IMPORTANT: Microsoft has found an issue with the final build of SP4 that impacts customers who run SQL Server with AWE support enabled. This issue only impacts machines with more than 2GB of memory where AWE has been explicitly enabled. Customers with this configuration should not install SP4. Microsoft is currently working on the problem and will issue an update soon.

    Wanted to spread the word...



    Kindest Regards,


  • Link for above quote


  • I just saw it on a test server SQL 2000 RTM upgraded to SP4 running under Windows 2003 SP1

    Tim S

  • Service Pack 4 fails to install if you LOG P.I. installed.

    the replout.sql script fails.

    in order to solve the problem stop the Log PI services.


  • Not sure if it is SP4 or not, but after installing it in our lab, we noticed that our Win2K cluster now "hangs" on SQL Server start when using Move Group to failover to the secondary server.  Essentially it sits there trying to start SQL Server until the timeouts for all the retries expire, at which time it fails back to the primary server successfully.  Hitting the power button instead results in a smooth failover.  Since everyone says it worked fine before SP4, I'm considering re-installing SQL to verify.  Anyone else have any experiences with SP4 on clusters?

    Have Fun!

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