SP3a Installation

  • Have just completed a new install of SQL Server 2000 Std Edition so also applied SP3a.

    However when it runs it comes up as SP3 and when I check @@version I get .760 not .766.

    Have downloaded this SP from MS a few times in case I was making a mistake, but each time I get the same. A few of the files within the SP folders are recent dates so its certainly the new SP....Anyone else had a problem ??

  • Well. 760 is the version of SP3. In my servers I also have that version after installed sp3.

    The version number .766 could be for SP3a wich I have not installed or another security patch after sp3.

  • Sorry I think you misunderstand. Yes .760 is sp3, but having installed sp3a I'm expecting it to be .766, but its still coming up with .760 🙂

  • It is my understanding that nothing internally changed in SQL Server with SP3a. Instead, there were problems with MDAC 2.7 so Microsoft updated it and repackaged SP3 with the new MDAC therefore calling it SP3a. As a result, the SQL Server version number did not change from .760 since nothing actually did change in SQL Server.

    Who told you that SP3a would result in .76X?

  • BTW, one of the many internet sites that keeps the version numbers up to date is http://www.sqlsecurity.com/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=3&tabid=4

    As you will see, there is no mention of a .766 and is why I was wondering where you heard this (I have not heard of this release myself and .766 seems like an odd number to be mentioned)

  • Thanks for the input guys. I've found that its the version number of the ssnetlib.dll file (via network utility) that will increase from 8.00.760 to 8.00.766 not the @@version number

  • the download page says it's version 760.09. Where did you get the 766 from? I am concerned about verifying which SP I have installed on various servers.


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