SP3a install fails on sp3_serv_uni.sql script

  • Howzit fellows. Been having a problem doing my zillionth sp3a ungrade. This is on a server with 4 instances, 3 of which are already upgraded to sp3a. In a nutshell.

    Looking at the sqlsp.log file, I can see that the install fails on the sp3_serv_uni.sql script. Looking in the sp3_serv_uni.out file. The part of the script that fails is the "Creating 'system_function_schema.fn_get_sql'.". The error is as follows "There is already an object named 'fn_get_sql'" in the database.

    But, if I run the following (taken from the sp3_serv_uni.sql script)

    select * from sysobjects

    where xtype = N'TF' and uid = USER_ID('system_function_schema') and

    name = 'fn_get_sql'

    It does not find the object. Running this on a box that already has sp3 brings back a positive result. Also note, that within the script it first tries to drop the function as follows.

    if exists (select * from sysobjects

    where xtype = N'TF' and uid = USER_ID('system_function_schema') and

    name = 'fn_get_sql')

    drop function system_function_schema.fn_get_sql


    So why the cursed thing fails is a mystery to me. Microsoft have not been particicuarly helpful and a web search has only shown one chap who did a complete rebuild to solve it, this is not an option.

    Any ideas would be much appreciated

  • I had some problems similar with yours when I've installed MSSQL 2000 Developer edition on a XP PRO box and I tried to install SP3.

    For me the solution was :

    1.)Made a empty database

    2.)Restore msdb from a another server which had been upgraded (SP3) before.

    3.)Installed SP3

    Very curios thing another time when I have installed MSSQL 2000 Standard edition everything went O.K. so I didn't need to do all the things above .

    Good luck.

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