SP1 counts SP2 results

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a SP1 which returns a table result set. I want to create SP2 which returns an integer value for count(SP1)

    I can do this by creating a temporary table.

    Is there any way to achieve this without creating a temp table?

    Is there any table object in the tempdb that i can recall for SP1 reult set?

    Here is my code sample:

    --Lets create SP1



    SELECT au_lname

    FROM authors

    ---Lets create SP2 which counts SP1





    (au_lname VARCHAR(20))

    INSERT #tmp (au_lname)

    EXEC SP1


    FROM #tmp

    --Now we can execute SP2 to see how SP2 works

    EXEC SP2

  • --Lets create SP1


    @NoRows int OUTPUT



    set nocount on -- avoid unneeded network info

    SELECT au_lname

    FROM authors

    SET @NoRows = @@rowcount



    declare @Rowcount int

    exec sp1 @Rowcount output

    print @Rowcount


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  • Hi,

    Thank you for the reply.

    However, the application which calls those procedures need both of them explicitly.

    Which means,

    Application needs

    SP1 to get the result set

    SP2 to get how many of them

    Any more ideas?

    Thank you

  • it is actualy getting the resultset as well as the rowcount because that is returned as an outputvariable.



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  • >>However, the application which calls those procedures need both of them explicitly.

    By that, are you inferring that you have no control over the application code, and therefore can't make any changes to which procedures are called and what their parameters are ?

  • Day,

    ALZDBA was stating that the application only has to make one stored procedure call to retrieve both sets of information. The count is stored in output variable that the application can use.

    If you must have two sperate stored procedures, I think you are going to have to use a table variable or temp table for this.

  • Hi all,

    Application calls SP1 for result set


    calls SP2 for how many results from SP1

    This application is kind of reporting tool. Even though two SP sounds they are related, they are consumed separately in the application. When application calls SP1, it only needs the table.

    I cannot change the application at this point. So, I guess I have to use that temp table.

    Thank you for all

  • Definitely you should change the App. It is a "bad" design to do that in two separated calls.

    * Noel

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