Sp to run in all the Database

  • I would need couple of details ,could you help me


    This is what I needed,

    1)Objects which do not belong to DBO

    This is the query we are using to find out

    select schema_name(schema_id)as ObjectName, name,type,type_desc from sys.objects

    where schema_name(schema_id) <> 'dbo'

    and type in('U','P','V', 'FN','TF','IF','PK','UQ')


    2)Database users which do not have DBO as their default schema

    SELECT *

    FROM sys.database_principals

    WHERE [type] IN ('U','S')

    AND ISNULL(default_schema_name,'')<>'dbo'

    We would like to create a report out of it and let a procedure run in every instance on a daily basis. The procedures should write the information into seperate tables in theOne of DB(Like ABC)database

    I need to have the Sp in one Database and it needs to check all the Database and fetch the details into separate tables as per the database name

    Could you please help me

  • Quick & dirty, this will run your proc on all databases within a given instance:

    sp_msforeachdb 'use ?;select schema_name(schema_id)as ObjectName, name,type,type_desc from sys.objects

    where schema_name(schema_id) <> ''dbo''

    and type in(''U'',''P'',''V'', ''FN'',''TF'',''IF'',''K'',''UQ'')'

    However, to gather up everything and put the output into another table, you might be better off, for a maintenance script of this type, generating a cursor of your databases on a given instance and then walking through the databases, and use your SELECT statement as part of an insert query into this maintenance database that you were talking about.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • hi,

    Thanks ,this is great helpfull

    Iam not having much exp on curson,could you please give a script

  • Some like this would work. Instead of just the SELECT statement, use that statement with an INSERT statement into the auditing table of choice.




    SELECT NAME FROM sys.databases

    OPEN MyDatabases

    FETCH NEXT FROM MyDatabases INTO @DbName



    SET @SqlString = 'use ' + @DbName + '; select schema_name(schema_id)as ObjectName, name,type,type_desc from sys.objects

    where schema_name(schema_id) <> ''dbo''

    and type in(''U'',''P'',''V'', ''FN'',''TF'',''IF'',''K'',''UQ'')'

    EXEC sp_executesql @SqlString

    FETCH NEXT FROM MyDatabases INTO @DbName


    CLOSE MyDatabases

    DEALLOCATE MyDatabases

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Thanks ,really helped this

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