SP results as derived table?

  • Is it possible to retrieve the results of a stored proc as a derived table inside the FROM clause?

    Here's the jist of what I want to do:

    Select colA, B, C from (execute my_sp @param = 'Foo') as t

    If so, what's the right syntax?

  • Impossible, rewrite another proc that'll return the right columns and use it instead.

    Unless you want to join that data to another table. Then you have to make a table function that returns the data... which is totally legal.

  • OK, thanks.

  • HTH.

  • well, there is an ugly way but hey its a way:

    select spid,dbname

    from Openrowset('SQLOLEDB','Data Source =SERVERNAME;Trusted_connection=yes;Initial Catalog=master',

       'exec sp_who')


    * Noel

  • That's truly perverse.

    In the best sense of that word.


  • Let's just call that extremely last resort .

  • this can come very handy when you need to join the outcome of two stored procedures, not that I recommend it but for something that runs not very often is nice  

    * Noel

  • Still beats the crap out of

    create #temp1

    create #temp2

    insert exec1

    insert exec2

    select join

    drop #temp1

    drop #temp2

  • Check out this link on SQLServerCentral.com for the sp_who3 procedure:


    ... by racosta.

    In it s/he creates a temp table and then does this insert:

    INSERT INTO #tmp_who2

    EXEC sp_who2

    So it is possible to insert into a temp table from a stored procedure.

    You could then slice and dice that table or join it to another as needed. That's about as close as you could come, I think.

    G. Milner

  • Thanks all; I did end up with a solution very much like these last two posts, and it's working nicely.

  • just keep in mind that if the proc already perform insert ... exec in it you won't be able to do it from the outside (nesting)


    * Noel

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