September 15, 2005 at 12:21 pm
I am trying to execute a proc with the statement below:
EXEC dbo.spRyanSearchPropTestWithLand @StatusType='For Lease'
, @RegionID="'627CCF61-56D4-47D8-9E7C-03019E3E4DE1','9F2F3693-4CCA-416A-9E39-034EDB66822C','4A6BD792-7472-4AC8-B373-29B29AED1BEE','191AC990-7668-481D-A34F-4298CC954738','A11CFDBA-A28B-4D88-9816-88FEA32631D5','699F669D-7F77-4421-ADFE-AE163F025B35','5B7D51D8-BAC8-4287-806F-B3F689C9AFDF','C02F04B6-0DE8-4E2C-90D8-C10919F75463','F6C0F46A-3785-4BB1-8960-D0AABF119785','3F78395C-8229-4B2B-88A5-D6B91F7B890F','004EC00F-D666-451E-AE53-E612B1926B33','843D1B88-4755-40BE-99B5-FAD28C4E7C85','02083E9E-08E9-4133-9111-FE7424016A2B'"
, @BuildingType="'Industrial','Office','Retail'"
, @LandType=1
, @SqFtRequested=1000
Yes, @RegionID is long, and it is a string literal being passed to: WHERE regionID IN ("literal")
This works with only a few, but if I try to pass 4 or more I get:
Server: Msg 103, Level 15, State 7, Line 2
The identifier that starts with ''627CCF61-56D4-47D8-9E7C-03019E3E4DE1','9F2F3693-4CCA-416A-9E39-034EDB66822C','4A6BD792-7472-4AC8-B373-29B29AED1BEE','191AC990-7' is too long. Maximum length is 128.
What wall am I hitting? @RegionID is a varchar(1000) being passed as a literal.
A small portion of the proc is below:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spRyanSearchPropTestWithLand
(@StatusType varchar(20)='',
@RegionID varchar(1000)='',
@BuildingType varchar(200)='',
@LandType bit=0,
@SqFtMultiplier varchar(2)='',
@SqFtRequested varchar(20)='')
declare @sql varchar(8000)
declare @SelectSQL varchar(8000)
declare @WhereSQL varchar(8000)
declare @LandSQL varchar(8000)
SET @sql=''
SET @SelectSQL=''
SET @WhereSQL=''
SET @LandSQL=''
IF @SqFtMultiplier = '' BEGIN SET @SqFtMultiplier=8 END
SET @SelectSQL=
b.BuildingID as PropertyID,
dbo.fnGetEarliestDateAvailable(s.BuildingID) as DateAvailable,
FROM dbo.Buildings b
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Addresses a ON b.AddressID = a.AddressID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Actors ac ON b.LeasingAgentID = ac.ActorID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Suites s ON b.BuildingID = s.BuildingID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.BuildingImages bi ON bi.BuildingID=b.BuildingID AND bi.ImageTypeID=2'
SET @WhereSQL=
' WHERE b.StatusType='''+@StatusType
+''' AND b.RegionID IN ('+@RegionID+')'
+' AND s.Viewable='+'''Y'''
-- IF (@PropertyTypeOffice<>'' OR @PropertyTypeRetail<>'' OR @PropertyTypeIndustrial<>'')
-- SET @WhereSQL=@WhereSQL
-- +' AND (b.BuildingType='''+@PropertyTypeOffice+''' OR b.BuildingType='''+@PropertyTypeRetail
-- +''' OR b.BuildingType='''+@PropertyTypeIndustrial+''' OR b.BuildingType='''+@PropertyTypeLand+''')'
-- END
IF (@BuildingType<>'')
SET @WhereSQL=@WhereSQL
+' AND b.BuildingType IN ('+@BuildingType+')'
IF @SqFtRequested<>''
SET @WhereSQL=@WhereSQL
+' AND s.MinSqFt BETWEEN ('+@SqFtRequested+'-('+@SqFtRequested+'*('+@SqFtMultiplier+'/100.00))) AND ('+@SqFtRequested+'+('+@SqFtRequested+'*('+@SqFtMultiplier+'/100.00)))'
+' AND s.MaxSqFt BETWEEN ('+@SqFtRequested+'-('+@SqFtRequested+'*('+@SqFtMultiplier+'/100.00))) AND ('+@SqFtRequested+'+('+@SqFtRequested+'*('+@SqFtMultiplier+'/100.00)))'
SET @sql=@SelectSQL+@WhereSQL+@LandSQL
PRINT @sql
--PRINT LEN(@RegionID)
September 15, 2005 at 12:28 pm
Try replacing " with ''.
Also read this :
Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL
September 15, 2005 at 1:02 pm
Thanks. I read the Dynamic Search Conditions - you and Noeld suggested that one yesterday. I will certainly read the other two.
I tried using singlequote+singleqote instead of double quote, but that didn't do it.
Any ideas why the @RegionID paramter is being limited to 128 characters when it is a varchar(1000)?
September 15, 2005 at 1:11 pm
Because "" is the quoted identifier, so that gets converted to a sysname (name of an object/column) which internally is nvarchar(128).
Did you try ''' comchar'',''dfdsd;'',''........'''??
Have you considered using a command object to make this call so that you can simply pass the string into a parameter object and not worry about injection and quotes??
September 15, 2005 at 1:12 pm
as remi is stating, when your regionid string looks like this
it works okay.
these are all apostrophe's (') not Quotes(").
September 15, 2005 at 1:25 pm
Ahh - both of you, thanks so much. The quoted identifier issue and the nvarchar(128) - makes perfect sense.
Remi - didn't recognize you...didn't your userid used to be Remi G* or something like that?
Ray - thanks. I've been drowning in nested single quotes for EXEC() statements all afternoon so I probably shouldn't have missed that one.
September 15, 2005 at 1:30 pm
Yup >> RGR'us - A fitting nickname
September 15, 2005 at 1:40 pm
Gotcha. You're right - truly fitting. Sometimes you answer these posts so quickly it's like having you on IM.
Thanks again. RH
September 15, 2005 at 1:46 pm
Now that would be an idea .
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