SP Efficiency and Stress Testing

  • I have an SP that is about 2000 lines of code. I am thinking about rewriting this SP so it is optimized and more efficent. Right now it only takes about 3 - 4 seconds to run with only a few concurrent users. Maybe it isn't neccessary to rewrite this (which is going to be a big undertaking) but I need to plan for future growth and performance and my concern is it will bog down when really hammered.

    What I have read stresses that SP's should be as simplistic as they can be and should only really perform one (or similiar) tasks. This sp definitly doesn't adhere to these guidlines.

    Is there a stress testing tool or utility that I can use that will simulate a high volume situation?

    or does anyone have any general recomendations for very complex SPs?



  • There is a tool named SQLIOStress that can be downloaded from Microsoft's site.

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  • Thanks Peter. I am checking out that tool now. It looks like it stress tests the disk subsystem simulating a heavily loaded server. (Sound Correct?)

    While this stress test may have an affect on the SP in question will it have the same affect as this SP being called simultaneously hundreds of times?

    I need to specifically test the efficency of the SPs programming.

    Are there any tools out there that may do that? I know

    I know I can use the execution plan (which I'm not to familiar with) to see the "cost" but I'm not really sure how that will help me unless I have another SP to compare it to (which would mean I'd have to write another one, and I'm trying to avoid that).

    Any ideas?

    I'm going to download this tool anyways I can definitly use it.

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