December 23, 2013 at 7:05 am
Thanks for the revised code. I really want to check it out now but I've got to get a few other things done first this morning.
December 24, 2013 at 8:44 am
I read the article. Much easier than writing a loop too. I'm not familiar with the FOR XML commands so I opted to do it a different way but still used the tally table. I'll be using this more in the future. 😀
December 24, 2013 at 11:19 am
AVB (12/24/2013)
Jeff,I read the article. Much easier than writing a loop too. I'm not familiar with the FOR XML commands so I opted to do it a different way but still used the tally table. I'll be using this more in the future. 😀
The FOR XML stuff that I used has become a standard for high performance concatenation. That's all it does. There's a great article on it at the following URL.
The discussion that follows that article is where I got the "text" permutation of the code from.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
January 2, 2014 at 10:00 am
Thanks for that link too. I've updated all the iterations with your tally table method as well as other parts of the code. It's pretty cool to do it that way. Here is the altered code of the modified algorithm.
USE [master]
Create function [dbo].[fn_Phon_NYSIIS_ver2] (@Word varchar(30))
RETURNS varchar(30)
@NYSIIS varchar(30),
@FirstCharacter char(1),
@Length int,
@FirstVowel char(1)
Remove all non-alpha characters, trim trailing/leading whitespace and set to upper case
select @Word = (
select Case When substring(@Word,t.n,1)
in ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z')
Then SUBSTRING(@Word,t.N,1) Else '' END
From master.dbo.Tally t
Where t.N <= len(@Word)
Order By t.N For XML Path(''),Type
SET @Word = rtrim(ltrim(@Word))
SET @Word = Upper(@Word)
SET @Length = len(@Word)
1.if the first character of the name is a vowel, remember it
SET @FirstVowel = ''
IF left(@Word,1) in ('A','E','I','O','U')BEGIN SET @FirstVowel = left(@Word,1) END
2. remove all 'S' and 'Z' chars from the end of the name
select @Word =
select substring(@Word,t.N,1)
From master.dbo.Tally t
Where t.N <= DATALENGTH(@Word) and t.N <=
select max(Case When SUBSTRING(@Word,t.n,1) not in ('S','Z') Then t.N Else 0 END)
From master.dbo.Tally t Where t.N <= Datalength(@Word)
Order By t.N FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE
3. Transcode Initial Strings
SET @Length = len(@Word)
IF left(@Word,3) = 'MAC' BEGIN SET @Word = 'MCC' + right(@Word,@Length-3) END
IF left(@Word,2) = 'PF' BEGIN SET @Word = 'F' + right(@Word,@Length-2) END
4. Transcode trailing strings as follows
YE » Y
EE » Y
IE » Y
DT » D
RT » D
RD » D
NT » D
ND » D
SET @Length = len(@Word)
IF RIGHT(@Word,2) = 'IX' BEGIN SET @Word = left(@Word,@Length-2) + 'IC' END
IF RIGHT(@Word,2) = 'EX' BEGIN SET @Word = left(@Word,@Length-2) + 'EC' END
IF RIGHT(@Word,2) in ('YE','EE','IE') BEGIN SET @Word = left(@Word,@Length-2) + 'Y' END
IF RIGHT(@Word,2) in ('DT','RT','RD','NT','ND') BEGIN SET @Word = left(@Word,@Length-2) + 'D' END
5. transcode 'EV' to 'EF' if not at start of name
SET @Length = len(@Word)
SET @Word = left(@Word,2) + REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@Word,3,@Length-2),'EV','EF')
6. use first character of name as first character of key
SET @FirstCharacter = Left(@Word,1)
7. remove any 'W' that follows a vowel
select @Word =
Case When substring(@Word,t.N,1) = 'W' and SUBSTRING(@Word,t.N-1,1) not in ('A','E','I','O','U')
Then SUBSTRING(@Word,t.N,1)
When substring(@Word,t.N,1) <> 'W' Then Substring(@Word,t.N,1) END
From master.dbo.Tally t
Where t.N <= DATALENGTH(@Word)
Order By t.N FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE
8. replace all vowels with 'A' and collapse all strings of repeated 'A' to one
SET @Word = replace(@Word,'E','A')
SET @Word = replace(@Word,'I','A')
SET @Word = replace(@Word,'O','A')
SET @Word = replace(@Word,'U','A')
--Collapse all A's
select @Word =
Select Case When SUBSTRING(@Word,t.N,1) = 'A' and SUBSTRING(@Word,t.N+1,1) = 'A'
Then 'A'
Else SUBSTRING(@Word,t.N,1)
From master.dbo.Tally t
Where substring(@Word,t.N,1) <> substring(@Word,t.N-1,1) and t.N <= datalength(@Word)
Order By t.N FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE
9.transcode 'GHT' to 'GT'
SET @Word = REPLACE(@WOrd,'GHT','GT')
10 transcode 'DG' to 'G'
SET @Word = REPLACE(@WOrd,'DG','G')
11.transcode 'PH' to 'F'
SET @Word = REPLACE(@Word,'PH','F')
12.if not first character, eliminate all 'H' preceded or followed by a vowel
select @Word =
Case When substring(@Word,t.N,1) = 'H' and t.N > 1 and
(SUBSTRING(@Word,t.N-1,1) in ('A','E','I','O','U') or SUBSTRING(@Word,t.N+1,1) in ('A','E','I','O','U'))
Then '' Else substring(@Word,t.N,1) END
From master.dbo.Tally t
Where t.N <= DATALENGTH(@Word)
Order By t.N FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE
13.change 'KN' to 'N', else 'K' to 'C'
SET @Word = REPLACE(@Word,'KN','N')
SET @Word = REPLACE(@Word,'K','C')
14.if not first character, change 'M' to 'N'
SET @Length = len(@Word)
SET @Word = left(@Word,1) + REPLACE(right(@Word,@Length-1),'M','N')
15.if not first character, change 'Q' to 'G'
SET @Length = len(@Word)
SET @Word = left(@Word,1) + REPLACE(right(@Word,@Length-1),'Q','G')
16.change 'SH' to 'S'
SET @Word = REPLACE(@Word,'SH','S')
17.change 'SCH' to 'S'
SET @Word = REPLACE(@Word,'SCH','S')
18.change 'SCH' to 'S'
SET @Word = REPLACE(@Word,'YW','Y')
19.if not first or last character, change 'Y' to 'A'
SET @Length = len(@Word)
SET @Word = left(@Word,1) + replace(substring(@Word,2,@Length-2),'Y','A') + RIGHT(@Word,1)
20.change 'WR' to 'R'
SET @Word = REPLACE(@Word,'WR','R')
21.if not first character, change 'Z' to 'S'
SET @Length = len(@Word)
SET @Word = left(@Word,1) + REPLACE(right(@Word,@Length-1),'Z','S')
22.change 'AY' to 'Y'
SET @Word = REPLACE(@Word,'AY','Y')
23. remove all trailing vowels
select @Word =
select substring(@Word,t.N,1)
From master.dbo.Tally t
Where t.N <= DATALENGTH(@Word) and t.N <=
select max(Case When SUBSTRING(@Word,t.n,1) not in ('A','E','I','O','U') Then t.N Else 0 END)
From master.dbo.Tally t Where t.N <= Datalength(@Word)
Order By t.N FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE
24.collapse all strings of repeated characters
select @Word =
Select substring(@Word,t.N,1)
From master.dbo.Tally t
Where substring(@Word,t.N,1) <> substring(@Word,t.N-1,1) and t.N <= datalength(@Word)
Order By t.N FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE
25.If first character of original name is a vowel, prepend to code (or replace first transcoded 'A')
IF @FirstVowel > '' and LEFT(@Word,1) = 'A'
SET @Word = STUFF(@Word,1,1,@FirstVowel)
August 19, 2015 at 7:55 am
This is very old I know, but I am getting this error: Could not load the DLL C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.VSQLDEV\MSSQL\Binn\xp_nysiis.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 193(%1 is not a valid Win32 application.).
The path is good, is it because i am using sql server 2014?
August 19, 2015 at 8:51 am
I haven't used this with 2014 but I have used it with SQL 2008R2 which is also 64 bit so I know it works in that environment. I simply used the below command to create the extended SPs and it worked. Just change the path to wherever you have the dll at. I'm not sure if those commands are still valid for 2014.
EXEC sp_addextendedproc xp_nysiis, 'c:\...\xp_nysiis.dll'
I'd suggest posting this as a separate thread in regards to that specific issue though if you can't get it to work.
August 19, 2015 at 8:58 am
thanks 🙂
August 19, 2015 at 9:22 am
You're welcome and good luck!
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