SOS report builder how can I group my concatenated service date based

  • Can some one please help me group this service date dates based on min(date)--and max(date), I am using distinct in my query

    but my Tdate and act# and amount are repeating itself.

    I just want each service date the min should be my begin date and max should be my end date

    just solve it in ssms 08

    min(ServiceDetailStartDate)+'--'+ max(ServiceDetailEndDate) as servicedate

  • gissah (11/4/2011)

    Can some one please help me group this service date dates based on min(date)--and max(date), I am using distinct in my query

    but my Tdate and act# and amount are repeating itself.

    I just want each service date the min should be my begin date and max should be my end date

    just solve it in ssms 08

    min(ServiceDetailStartDate)+'--'+ max(ServiceDetailEndDate) as servicedate

    If you would like to group the act# to a date then you have to use Group By. Distinct wont work in this situation.

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