sorting through duplicate data

  • This should be pretty simple but I am really new at this so I am having some issues with getting the result that I need.

    I have three columns of data in the same table



    SubID Price

    I am trying to run a query that will output data for repeating MasterID with lowest price.


    Master ID|SubID|SubdID Price

    1234 aa $1.00

    1235 cc $4.00

    1234 bb $0.50

    The result that I am looking for is

    Master ID|SubID|SubdID Price

    1234 bb $0.50

    because the MasterID has multiple SubID and SubID bb has a lower price than SubID aa.

    Thank you so much for your help this will help me out a lot.

  • This article may help you

    Sorry I can not post actual code since the computer with my Sandbox DB is out for repairs .. but hope the link will get your started.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Do you want the lowest price for each unique MasterID (in which case your output should include 1235 cc 4) or do you want the lowest price across the whole table?

    Or am I missing the point?

  • I am looking for the lowest price for each MasterID with more than one SubID. So if the MasterID has only one SubID then that record should be ignored.

    Thank you for your help,


  • But how do we get Sub_ID in the select list?

  • this?

    ; with cte as


    SELECT master_id, sub_id , slave_price , ROW_NUMBER() over( partition by master_id , sub_id order by slave_price asc) AS slave_price_min

    FROM SlaveMarket


    select * from cte

    where slave_price_min = 1

  • or this?

    ; with cte as


    SELECT distinct master_id, sub_id

    FROM SlaveMarket


    select * , outp.minval

    from cte a

    cross apply ( select MIN ( sales_price ) minval

    from SlaveMarket b

    where a.master_id = b.master_id

    and a.sub_id = b.sub_id ) outp

  • Thank you, how would we get the SubID in there?

    CELKO (9/14/2011)

    david 98157 (9/14/2011)

    I am looking for the lowest price for each master_id with more than one sub_id. So if the master_id has only one sub_id then that record [sic] should be ignored.

    In the future follow the rules and post DDL, not narrative. Rows are not records. I had to have some fun with your data element names 😀

    CREATE TABLE SlaveMarket

    (master_id CHAR(2) NOT NULL,

    sub_id CHAR(2) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (master_id, sub_id),

    slave_price DECIMAL (8,2) NOT NULL

    CHECK (slave_price> 0.00));

    SELECT master_id, MIN(slave_price) AS slave_price_min

    FROM SlaveMarket

    GROUP BY master_id

    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;

  • Another Way:-

    select a1.* from a as a1, a as a2

    where a1.master_id = a2.master_id

    and a1.subid = a2.subid

    and a2.subdid_price = (select min(subdid_price) from a)


    select b.* from a as b,

    (select master_id, min(subdid_price) as min

    from a

    group by master_id

    having count(*) > 1) as c

    where b.master_id = c.master_id

    and min = subdid_price


    Palash Gorai

  • declare @t table(

    MasterID Int,

    SubID varchar(10),

    [SubID Price] decimal(5,2)


    insert into @t values

    (1234, 'aa', 1.00),

    (1235, 'cc', 4.00),

    (1234, 'bb', 0.50)

    ; with cte

    As (



    , min(t.[SubID Price]) mp


    @t t

    group by



    count(*) > 1)



    , t.SubID

    , t.[SubID Price]


    @t t

    inner join cte c on c.MasterID = t.MasterID And = t.[SubID Price]

    I Have Nine Lives You Have One Only

  • Here's another way to do it. I find that some people forget that COUNT and SUM are also windowing functions and can be used in a partition.

    declare @t table(

    MasterID Int,

    SubID varchar(10),

    SubIDPrice decimal(5,2)


    insert into @t values

    (1234, 'aa', 1.00),

    (1235, 'cc', 4.00),

    (1234, 'bb', 0.50)

    ; WITH CTEMin AS

    ( SELECT MasterID

    , SubID, SubIDPrice


    , COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY MasterID) AS MasterIDCount

    FROM @T


    SELECT MasterID, SubID, SubIDPrice


    WHERE MasterIDCount > 1

    AND RowNum = 1

    Todd Fifield

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