Sorting Parent Table

  • Hi everyone,

    I have one cube strutured in tree, whit parent.....

    so i can only sort this by a key table? or i can sort for another column?

    I need sorting by a column because i can't change my Table Id so anyone have a solution for me?

    many thanls

  • If your question is: how can I set the default sortorder for a dimension(-attribute); the answer is that you can sort by

    - key (the default, which is apparently not what you want)

    - name (which by default will be the same as key, but you can specify otherwise)

    - attributekey (the key of a related attribute)

    - attributename (the name of a related attiribute)

    These sort-options are configured in BIDS, in the appropiate dimension, on the appropiate attribute, by setting the OrderBy- property ( and the OrderByAttribute- property if you choose attributekey or attributename)

    In most client apps you will be able to overrule this setting and sort otherwise.

    Peter Rijs
    BI Consultant, The Netherlands

  • Hi,

    i'm explain the better way, so

    I have a table like this:

    Id(Primary Key)|Name|Parent|Action|

    and I now i made a table like this

    Id(Primary Key)|Name|Parent|Action|Order of columns|

    So i want see like a tree and the childs order by "Order of columns"

    How i do that?

    Thank for your answers ;), and sorry my english

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