Sorting by Date

  • I'm trying to sort a query by date. I don't want to display the time, so I change the date: CONVERT(varchar(10), dbo.Crashes.[Date], 1) . This gives the format I want mm/dd/yy, but sorts 'alphabetically' - with 01/03/2005 coming before 08/15/2004.  Any ideas?

  • I don't have sql on this box so can't verify but I think Sql 2k allows you to sort by something not displayed. i.e. select convert(datecol...) ... order by datecol

    Otherwise, there are other options for date format (3rd parm of convert function) check BOL.

  • What John posted should work.  Just sort on the date column in the table. You can still select and convert that column for display in any format of your choice.

    Select convert(varchar(10),date_field, 101) as any_name_you_like

    From your_table

    Order by date_field


  • Or if you are needing to group by, etc... ie, you can only order by the field that's in your select query, then convert it back to a datetime field! Like.... select convert(datetime,convert(varchar(10),date_field,101),101)

    And then order by the field returned.

    Rob Farley
    LobsterPot Solutions & Adelaide SQL Server User Group

  • create table #showme


     d1 datetime

     , c1 char


    insert into #showme values('20050301 09:30:00','a')

    insert into #showme values('20040815 19:38:00','b')



     , dateadd(d,0,datediff(d,0,d1)) d2



    order by


    drop table #showme

    d1                                                     c1   d2                                                    

    ------------------------------------------------------ ---- ------------------------------------------------------

    2004-08-15 19:38:00.000                                b    2004-08-15 00:00:00.000

    2005-03-01 09:30:00.000                                a    2005-03-01 00:00:00.000

    (2 row(s) affected)

    Do the date format display in the front-end.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thank you! I think these ideas will solve the problem! I KNEW it was something right in front of my face!

  • You could also sort the actual date like this:

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), dbo.Crashes.[Date], 1)

    FROM dbo.Crashes

    ORDER BY dbo.Crashes.[Date]



    Anders Dæmroen

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