Sorting a chart based on returned values

  • I've created a column chart which returns two values per category. Basically what I'm doing is charting service desk tickets by technician, showing a count of tickets greater than 90 days old and less than 90 days old using an expression to create a calculated field and then using the values of the calculated field as the series.

    =IIF(Fields!Days_Old.Value > "90","Non-Compliant","Compliant")

    x = tech

    y = count of tickets in each series

    series = count(Compliant), count(Non-Compliant)

    What I'd like to do is sort the chart so the technician with the most non-compliant tickets is left-most, descending. However, the column chart wants to define sorting based on the grouped x value (which makes sense). Is there any way to sort a chart the way I described?

  • That's actually a really interesting problem. I have a very similar database, so I made a quick chart in SSRS using some similar service desk related fields. I figured it would be a matter of using a formula in the Sort tab of the tech (x axis) but no matter what I put in there I didn't understand the results. I wanted something like DLOOKUP (an Access formula) where you could say "the number of tickets where ComplianceStatus = "Non-Compliant" but I couldn't find anything like that in SSRS. Frankly, even when I just put NumTickets in that sort field the way it sorted things didn't make sense (you would expect them to be sorted in order of the overall height of the combined two groups of tickets but it wasn't doing it that way).

    Anyone else? I'm really interested in the answer, too.

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