Sort Order Help Please

  • Evidently there's a lot for me to learn about sorting. I need to sort by Title(varchar), but the '_' is throwing it out of ASCII order where _ is 95 and 1 is 49.

    Case doesn't matter to me, but '1' needs to come before '_'.

    When I do:

    SELECT Title

    FROM dbo.Books

    ORDER BY Title ASC

    I get:






    when I really want:






    If anyone can help I'll be extremely grateful!

  • What is your system/database collation? It works fine on my system, collation Latin1_General_BIN2.

  • Is this what you're looking for?

    Latin1-General, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order 52 on Code Page 1252 for non-Unicode Data

    After I saw your post, I tried this:

    SELECT Title

    FROM dbo.Books

    ORDER BY Title COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2 ASC

    And it works!!! Is this the way you'd recommend doing it? Is there another better way?

    Thanks Lynn!

  • It is one way. I'm still wondering what your collation is on your system. Latin1_General_BIN2 is a case sensitive collation. Your server may be using a case insensitive collation and that may be why it is sorting the way it does.

  • Is there a case-insensitive equivalent? That would actually be even better.

    Where can I check the system Collation?

  • Looks like you need to use the Latin1_General_BIN or Latin1_General_BIN2 collation to get the sort order you want. My test code:

    select * from (

    select 'Pr1' as Title union all

    select 'S_Pr' union all

    select 'S1_Pr') dt

    order by

    dt.Title collate Latin1_General_CI_AS

    select * from (

    select 'Pr1' as Title union all

    select 'S_Pr' union all

    select 'S1_Pr') dt

    order by

    dt.Title collate Latin1_General_CS_AS

    select * from (

    select 'Pr1' as Title union all

    select 'S_Pr' union all

    select 'S1_Pr') dt

    order by

    dt.Title collate Latin1_General_BIN2

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