Sort of recursive query problem

  • I have the following table (simplified) structures -

    POHeader (PO_ID, ReceiptDate)

    PODetail (PO_ID, ProductID)

    Stock (ProductID, InStock)

    Given that I have say 50 units of product1 InStock, of which 10 were received Date 1, 15 on Date 5 and 30 on Date 12.

    And assuming the stock is used on a strict FIFO basis, I'm trying to build a query that will give me and AgedStock report.

    So in this instance I want to see -

    Units Date

    30     12

    15      5

    5        1

    I'm stuck to know how to proceed.

    Any ideas or pointer please?


    Many thanks


  • Your table stucture does not show any unit information of product. Can you explain how the units stored in these table?


  • Heh. Beat me to it by a half second. Shouldn't have pressed preview.


    "You said they are simplified table structures.

    Is there a Quantity field in the PODetail table?"

  • Sorry I have mixed up field descriptions (case of trying to make the issue simple), so for the purposes of this take InStock = Units.

    Sorry about the confusion.



  • I gathered that.

    That's the units in stock, at the present time. right?

    To trace the quantity back to the the ReceiptDate field in POHeader (could be the same product was received over several POs) we'll need some sort of quantity field in the PODetail table.

  • Is it just me or do I see a 4 minutes delay in there ???

  • That's one of the troubles when you try to simplifiy things, you leave important bits out

    So yes units in stock at the present time in the Stock table.

    And yes the same product could be purchase and recived many times. In the PODetails table there is a field with the quantity received (can be different from what was ordered - but that's irrelevant for this problem).


  • You can do this:

       [Date]=dateadd(day, 0, datediff(day, 0, hdr.ReceiptDate)),  
    from PODetail dtl
    inner join POHeader hdr on hdr.PO_ID = dtl.PO_ID
    left join Stock s on s.ProductID = dtl.ProductID
    group by dtl.ProductID, dateadd(day, 0, datediff(day, 0, hdr.ReceiptDate)), s.InStock

    I'm not exactly sure.

    This may be what you wanted:

    declare @now datetime
    select @now=getdate()
       DaysAgo=datediff(day, 0, @now - datediff(day,0,hdr.ReceiptDate)),
    from PODetail dtl
    inner join POHeader hdr on hdr.PO_ID = dtl.PO_ID
    left join Stock s on s.ProductID = dtl.ProductID
    group by dtl.ProductID, datediff(day, 0, @now - datediff(day,0,hdr.ReceiptDate)) desc, s.InStock
  • I think we need more information to answer your question properly but try this.

    select ReceiptDate,

    (select B.instock

    from B.stock B

    where B.ProductID in (select distinct C.ProductID

    from PODetail C

    where C.PO_ID = A.PO_ID))

    from POHeader A

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