Sorry not about SQL but lets all give our thoughts to Japan

  • This is a sad situation in a country dear to my heart my wife is Japanese and I worked as a SQL DBA there for 3 years, I really hope and pray the country will get back to normal soon.

    My wifes family are from Sendai and have lost there home but they still have their lives so thats all that counts. Please also send your throughts and Prayers to anyone in Japan.

  • I too know people in Japan. I spent two years there as a sailor and loved every minute of it. I became friends with a family I assisted while asisting our ship's Marine contingent during their Christmas outreach. I don't know if it was called Toys For Tots then but it was similar. We provided toys and food to families.

    I've kept in touch with them over the years and am now in contact with their children who are about 10-20 years younger than me. They don't live near the epicenter the earthquake, so, they are OK.

    The Japanese have a firm resolve and are hardy souls. I'm sure they will do fine. In a couple of months I may be travelling there with the Red Cross to assist.

  • I'm extremely lucky that I work for a firm which will match our contributions to help the people in Japan. I'm writing a check tomorrow to help and I'm sure that many of us here at my company will chip in to help too.

    The people in Japan were generous when we had Katrina and 9/11.

    The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. - Stephen Hawking

  • I have worked for a Japanese firm here in the USA, and have made friends with many, who fortunately when re-assigned from the US back to Japan now live near south west coast.

    They are deeply upset at the on going tragdy, but doggedly show up for work and attempt to keep their life as normal as they can.

    And half as hope, and half as a promise the say "we will back and stronger than ever"

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • I've been following the news on what's happening out there. Heartbreaking.

    Can someone post links on how to help?

    Check out my blog at

  • Ray K (3/18/2011)

    I've been following the news on what's happening out there. Heartbreaking.

    Can someone post links on how to help?


    One organization our firm is giving to is the American Red Cross Japan Relief Program. You can click on a link specifically for this on their site:

    The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. - Stephen Hawking

  • mtillman-921105 (3/18/2011)

    Ray K (3/18/2011)

    I've been following the news on what's happening out there. Heartbreaking.

    Can someone post links on how to help?


    One organization our firm is giving to is the American Red Cross Japan Relief Program. You can click on a link specifically for this on their site:

    I would second that about the Red Cross.

    One needs to be aware of scams. Times of crisis brings out the worst in some and they will present themselves as legitmate charitable organizations. Only give to those you know and can trust. We have a local Elks group collecting donations and I would trust them.

    And, never agree to donations over the phone and never give out bank account information over the phone.

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