Soon about to upgrade to MSSQL 2008

  • We are about to do an upgrade of MSSQL 2000 to version 2008 pretty soon.

    Since we have over 100 DTS packages I fear that the process will be quite complex.

    To prepare a pre-study for this upgrade I´m trying to gather as much information possible about 2008 and its new functionalities.

    This so while migrating we can also evolve and make use of the new functions available in 2008.

    The new MERGE is a good example of this.

    And of course SSC is a good source for this 🙂

    However, can anyone recommend any good books about MSSQL 2008 that describes what’s new and maybe even “best practices”?

    Both from DBA and a Developers perspective.

    I know it is possible to collect this information by mixing several different sources but if there exits some pretty “complete” books on the topic it would be great to read them first. Surfing the Internet can be quite time consuming sometimes.

    Suggestions on books about upgrading is also very much appreciated.

  • Try Ross Mistry's book, SQL Server 2008 Management and Administration. It's pretty good. For just a "what's new" point of view, Rob Walters' Accelerated SQL SErver 2008.

    Neither of these will help the developers a lot though. I don't have a good recommendation for them. Maybe the new Inside books... Maybe Joe Sack's T-SQL Recipies...

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Hi

    Thanks for your answer.

    I must say that "SQL Server 2008 Management and Administration" seems like a perfect choice, specially by reading the reviews!

    The “Accelerated SQL Server 2008” seems to contain a lot of stuff related to MSSQL 2005 as well, but maybe this isn’t a big deal since we go from MSSQL 2000

    I´ll definitely take a deeper look on these two

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