Some Useful UDFs for SQL Server 2000

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  • Hi there

    Coming form an Oracle world, UDF's are very restrictive and tend to be a half cocked effort. I have this sneaking feeling that MS is not expending much effort in t-sql (ie. where is proper exception handling! which is fundamental to any language). Not being able to use temp tables, call stored procs etc is a right pain and makes the functions useful for only the basic operations.

    I personally believe UDF's was a last minute add in that tends to highlight MS push to the .Net version of sqlserver where stored procs etc can be in VB, C#, C++ etc that are much more feature rich.

    Anyhow, good article all the same 🙂



    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • Coming from a Sybase ASA world, I find UDF's absolutley invaluable.

    Pity they can't do everything but ......!

    The article served as a nice primer, thankyou

    Geoff Sutcliffe

    Datagaard Pty Ltd

    South Australia


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