Some T-sql help required

  • Wonder if anyone can help me.

    I'm trying to write a piece of sql which will set a deleted flag to 1 where the sum of certain records on a policy = 0.

    If there are 2 values say 1000.23 and -1000.23 for a specific policyid I want to set a flag in another table to delete.

    For example

    If a policy which has 5 entries and 2 are for 1000.23 and -1000.23 I want to identify those records which will have the same policy id do a sum on them and make sure they are 0 and then set a deleted flag in another table to deleted.


    Update [accountTable] set deleted = 1

    where (this is the bit I can't get) sum (policyPremium) =0.

    If I isolate distinct policy id values can I then search within the monetary values and look for matching +/- values in order to flag those values as deleted in the accounts table.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I seem to be going round in circles.



  • your issue is you need to update FROM another table...not a real table, but a summary of data in another table;

    you didn't provide any details as far as the schema and columns, so this is a just a guess that is syntacticalyl correct that might get you going in the right direction:


    uncomment the update and comment the select if the select returns the "right" data

    --UPDATE [accountTable] SET deleted = 1*/

    SELECT * [accountTable]


    POLICYID, --what is the real identifier?

    SUM(policyPremium) AS policyPremium

    FROM POLICYPAYMENTS --what is the real table?


    HAVING SUM(policyPremium) = 0 --only the zero balance


    WHERE [accountTable].POLICYID = MySubQuery.POLICYID


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Update A set deleted = (select case when sum (policyPremium) =0 then 1 else 0 end from [accountTable] I where I.PolicyID =a.PolicyID )

    from [accountTable] A

  • another issue to consider;

    avoid updating a static table based on a rollup of other information; use a view instead;

    the tables could be out of sync if the process is not called after every single update to the table, something like this is better:





    FROM (


    POLICYID, --what is the real identifier?

    SUM(policyPremium) AS policyPremium

    FROM POLICYPAYMENTS --what is the real table?



    the above method make sure they status is always correct based on the raw data, and not based on whether an update failed or not.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Some more detail:

    Policy Key Premium

    ---------- ----------

    123456 1002.36

    123456 526.25

    123456 -1002.36

    456789 256.23

    456789 478.25

    456789 589.86

    456789 -256.23

    There can be multiple premium values but I'm looking for the +/- pairs out of each policy eg the 1002.36 and the 256.23 entries above.

    Within each policy id I'm looking for identical values which when summed = 0 and then I want to flag those records as deleted so they don't show up on a report.

    The report is pulling back every policy id and all the premium values associated with it. Unfortunately users are cancelling off values which I can't tie back by any key and they want them flagged as deleted so they don't show on the report.

    Sorry if I wasn't clearer before but I'm totally stumped on how you would do that!!

  • DROP TABLE #Sample

    CREATE TABLE #Sample ([Policy Key] int, Premium money)

    INSERT INTO #Sample ([Policy Key], Premium)

    SELECT 123456, 1002.36 UNION ALL

    SELECT 123456, 526.25 UNION ALL

    SELECT 123456, -1002.36 UNION ALL

    SELECT 456789, 256.23 UNION ALL

    SELECT 456789, 478.25 UNION ALL

    SELECT 456789, 589.86 UNION ALL

    SELECT 456789, -256.23

    -- test solution

    SELECT [Policy Key]

    FROM #Sample

    GROUP BY [Policy Key], ABS(Premium)

    HAVING COUNT(*) = 2 AND SUM(Premium) = 0

    ORDER BY [Policy Key]

    -- output:

    -- [Policy Key]

    -- ------------

    -- 123456

    -- 456789

    -- Apply solution

    UPDATE s SET Flag = 1

    FROM Sometable s


    SELECT [Policy Key]

    FROM #Sample

    GROUP BY [Policy Key], ABS(Premium)

    HAVING COUNT(*) = 2 AND SUM(Premium) = 0

    ORDER BY [Policy Key]

    ) d ON d.[Policy Key] = s.[Policy Key]

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • your answer for 3 question is correct

    hope the following helps ๐Ÿ™‚


    SELECT s.sid AS "Suppliers Id"

    FROM suppliers s INNER JOIN catalog c

    ON s.sid = c.sid INNER JOIN parts p

    ON =

    WHERE UPPER(p.color) = 'RED'

    OR UPPER(p.color) = 'GREEN';



    SELECT supp.suppid AS "Suppliers Id"


    (SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt

    FROM parts p

    WHERE UPPER(p.color) = 'RED') prod,

    (SELECT COUNT(p.color) AS cnt1 , s.sid AS suppid

    FROM suppliers s INNER JOIN catalog c

    ON s.sid = c.sid

    INNER JOIN parts p

    ON =

    WHERE UPPER(p.color = 'RED')) supp

    WHERE supp.cnt1 = prod.cnt;


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