Some of your dopiest (sp) Newbie goof ups

  • I had previously been a IBM Mainframer using Cobol, CICS, IDMS and DB2 when I finished a project and was given a new assignment. Turned out to be Unix and Sybase !

    I spent the first 2 months doing data modelling before having to perform my first DBA activity. In those days, databases were on raw partitions and partitions were defined by disk controller number and disk number within controller so one had to run "DISK INIT" to format the partition for use by the RDBMS.

    So I ran disk init but typed in c00d00 instead of c00d01 and formated the drive containing the Unix Operating System !

    Total crash !

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Once upon a time when I (many moons ago) - went in to replace a failed drive in a large RAID 5 array... I was in a big hurry, eyeballed the array and replaced what I thought was the failed drive... headed out the door only to have my beeper go absolutely nuts as the server went down hard - wrong drive.

    Many hours later all was well but it still hurts today.  I still get grief from time to time for missing my 6th anniversary dinner - 9 years later and you would think she'd let it go but it came up on our 15th ("Remember when?").

    Maybe she'll forgive me by our 50th?



  • Keep telling yourself that.

  • No kidding, there are a few things that I just know I'm going to be hearing about until the day I die - and others will be reminded of my imperfections well beyond that.


  • Maybe she'll have some of that graved on your tomb .

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