October 18, 2008 at 5:11 am
declare c1 cursor for select EmailID,CallerID,EmailDate,EmailTo,EmailFrom,Subject,MsgID,ProjectID from tblEmails order by EmailID
declare @EmailID numeric
declare @CallerID varchar(200)
declare @EmailDate datetime
declare @EmailTo varchar(250)
declare @EmailFrom varchar(250)
declare @Subject varchar(250)
--declare @Notes varchar(5000)
declare @MsgID varchar(250)
declare @ProjectID numeric
declare @uid numeric
declare @pid numeric
declare @direction tinyint
declare @i int
open c1
FETCH NEXT FROM c1 into @EmailID,@CallerID,@EmailDate,@EmailTo,@EmailFrom,@Subject,@MsgID,@ProjectID
-- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
set @uid = (select userid from users where uname=@CallerID)
set @pid = (select projectid from [akorbi_beta].dbo.tbl_tblprojects_projects where TblProjectId=@ProjectID)
set @direction=(select direction from emailBridge where oldmailID=@EmailID)
print ''
print 'EmailID : ' + cast(@EmailID as varchar(8))
print 'CallerID : ' + @CallerID
print 'UserId : ' + cast(@uid as varchar(8))
print 'EmailDate : ' + cast(@EmailDate as varchar(20))
print 'EmailTo : ' + @EmailTo
print 'EmailFrom : ' + @EmailFrom
print 'MsgID : ' + @MsgID
print 'ProjectId : ' + cast(@ProjectID as varchar(6))
print 'NewProjectId : ' + cast(@pid as varchar(6))
print 'Direction : ' +cast(@direction as varchar(1))
set @i=1
declare @mid numeric
insert into [Akorbi_beta].dbo.Messages(UserId,FromAddress,ToAddress,Subject,Direction,BodyText,BodyHtml,[Date],MsgID) select @uid,@EmailFrom,@EmailTo,@Subject,@direction,null,null,@EmailDate,@MsgID
set @mid = (select @@identity)
print 'MessageId : ' + cast(@mid as varchar(8))
update [Akorbi_beta].dbo.Messages set [Akorbi_beta].dbo.messages.BodyHTML=tblEmails.Notes
from tblEmails where tblEmails.EmailID=@EmailID and [Akorbi_beta].dbo.Messages.Messageid=@mid
update [Akorbi_beta].dbo.Messages set [Akorbi_beta].dbo.messages.BodyText=tblEmails.Notes
from tblEmails where tblEmails.EmailID=@EmailID and [Akorbi_beta].dbo.Messages.Messageid=@mid
if(@pid is not null )
insert into [Akorbi_beta].dbo.Messages_Tags(MessageId,ProjectId,TagType)values(@mid,@pid,1)
--insert into [Akorbi_beta].dbo.tbl_Emails_Messages_Projects(EmailId,MessageId,ProjectId)values(@EmailID,@mid,@ProjectID)
FETCH NEXT FROM c1 into @EmailID,@CallerID,@EmailDate,@EmailTo,@EmailFrom,@Subject,@MsgID,@ProjectID
October 18, 2008 at 6:26 am
On which insert does it fail?
the first one or the insert after this statement (if(@pid is not null ))
That's where I'd start looking if I were you.
ALso do you have any error messages?
October 19, 2008 at 7:15 am
hi friend
thanks for reply
i got the solution
where i was check the @pid is not null, that insert doesn,t work.
now it's fine
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