So many Subqueries....

  • Very fortunate to work with normalized data in the past. Not so lucky here. The developers obviously didn't understand the use of JOINS and have used subqueries everywhere. Starting with this one. Horrible performance.

    Select @rundate, pm.companyid, pm.policyid, pm.inceptiondate, pm.postdate,

    pt.effectivedate, pt.accountingdate, pm.transactiontype, Pm.originaltranstype,

    0, 3

    from plmaster pm, pltran pt

    where pm.originaltranstype = 'rn'

    and pm.transactiontype in ('RN', 'CN', 'RI')

    and pm.inceptiondate between @begindate and @enddate

    and pm.policyid = pt.policyid

    and pm.inceptiondate = pt.inceptiondate

    and pm.postdate = pt.postdate

    and pm.policyid + ' ' + convert(varchar, pm.inceptiondate, 101) NOT IN

    (select policyid + ' ' + convert(varchar, inceptiondate, 101)

    from artran

    where batchdate <= @enddate

    and (paymenttype = 1

    or (paymenttype = 2 or paymentamt > 20)))

    IF I change to the following I get the same number of results. I can't wrap my head around what happens by leaving of the WHERE clause that is within that orignal query. Can anyone explain.

    Select @rundate, pm.companyid, pm.policyid, pm.inceptiondate, pm.postdate,

    pt.effectivedate, pt.accountingdate, pm.transactiontype, Pm.originaltranstype,

    0, 2

    from plmaster pm

    INNER JOIN pltran pt on pm.PolicyID = pt.PolicyID AND pm.InceptionDate = pt.InceptionDate AND pm.PostDate = pt.PostDate

    LEFT JOIN artran ar ON pm.policyid = ar.PolicyID AND pm.inceptiondate = ar.inceptiondate

    where pm.originaltranstype = 'rn'

    and pm.transactiontype in ('RN', 'CN', 'RI')

    and pm.inceptiondate between @begindate and @enddate

    and pm.policyid = pt.policyid

    and pm.inceptiondate = pt.inceptiondate

    and pm.postdate = pt.postdate

    and ar.PolicyID IS NULL AND ar.InceptionDate IS NULL

  • Wow. That is some plain ugly looking TSQL.

    Having said that, I would have done exactly what you did, if for no other reason than to sustain my own sanity, but mainly in hopes that it would provide better performance. (there are are those willing to debate my level of sanity... or lack thereof... but I digress.)

    I can not see anything obvious as to why it should not work as expected, but I don't know what the data looks like or what is or isn't null-able so there could be some issues that don't work out (like those concatenations in the where clause).

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • I didn't dig through the entirety of your problem, but you cured the most painful component which seems to be your concern, which is this:

    and pm.policyid + ' ' + convert(varchar, pm.inceptiondate, 101) NOT IN

    (select policyid + ' ' + convert(varchar, inceptiondate, 101)

    from artran

    where batchdate <= @enddate

    and (paymenttype = 1

    or (paymenttype = 2 or paymentamt > 20)))

    Notice the concatonation. In your query, you didn't concatonate these, but used the column joins directly. It's an attribute nicknamed SARGability, for Search Agumentability. The concatonation blew away any hope of index usage and forced a scan of both tables. By removing that and connecting on the two columns properly, you've increased your ability to seek the data instead of scan, reducing what needed to be processed.

    If you look at the two execution plans of the query, my guess is you'll notice a major difference in some of the table data lookups.

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  • Looks like you probably have a bunch of inceptiondate values that are null.

    It also looks like your policyids are null in quite a few instances thus making the queries work about the same. It seems like it boils down to data to me.

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  • Imagine working with T-sql that looks like this everywhere I turn.....Aaaarrrggghhh

    Yes what I changed it to does work. Without playing with indexes I go from 25 minutes to seconds, but what I can't figure out is how the following enters into the statement. If you look at my original re-worked SQL I took it out. If I throw it back in there I get 0 records.

    select policyid + ' ' + convert(varchar, inceptiondate, 101)

    from artran

    where batchdate <= @enddate

    and (paymenttype = 1

    or (paymenttype = 2 or paymentamt > 20)))

  • Just because the original query was written that way (sheesh .. and used for how long?) doesn't mean it was ever correct.

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • how about:

    Select @rundate

    , pm.companyid

    , pm.policyid

    , pm.inceptiondate

    , pm.postdate

    , pt.effectivedate

    , pt.accountingdate

    , pm.transactiontype

    , Pm.originaltranstype

    , 0

    , 2

    from plmaster pm

    INNER JOIN pltran pt

    on pm.PolicyID = pt.PolicyID

    AND pm.InceptionDate = pt.InceptionDate

    AND pm.PostDate = pt.PostDate

    LEFT JOIN artran ar

    ON pm.policyid = ar.PolicyID

    AND pm.inceptiondate = ar.inceptiondate

    /* extra conditions that were used in the NOT IN Query */

    and batchdate <= @enddate

    and ( paymenttype in (1, 2)

    or paymentamt > 20


    where pm.originaltranstype = 'rn'

    and pm.transactiontype in ( 'RN', 'CN', 'RI' )

    and pm.inceptiondate >= @begindate

    and pm.inceptiondate <= @enddate

    and ar.PolicyID IS NULL


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