Snapshot - DROP the Existing table and Recreate it

  • I have two machines running SQL SERVER 2000

    and one other SQL SERVER 2008.

    I want to setup Snapshot Replication of

    6 Databases between the three.

    The issue I am having is more like a pain than an issue.

    I have a little over 100 tables in each of these databases.

    Now, while creating Snapshots for the Articles(or tables),

    there are several ways you can handle name conflicts as in:

    (if you cant view image,click here:=])

    By default, it DROPS the existing table and re-creates it.

    I want it to "Delete all data in the existing table".

    I can change this manually for each article (or table), but there are over a 100 tables;

    and besides each time it drops and recreates the table, the permissions get all messed up.

    Is there a way I can change one table and make the change propagate to the rest of

    the tables?

    any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance

  • I was also looking for the same discovered and modified the base table to facilitate it.

    I feel there's some bug , even if you change the option in GUI tool, it may or may not take it.

    sometimes I tried the same thing multiple times to make it work.

    Now this is what i do:

    First create publication - do not push subscription.

    open a query analyzer,

    use publication db

    select dest_table,pre_creation_cmd from sysextendedarticlesview

    Here check - the value of pre_creation_cmd

    The pre-creation command for DROP TABLE, DELETE TABLE, or TRUNCATE:

    0 = None.

    1 = DROP.

    2 = DELETE.

    3 = TRUNCATE.

    In my case I wanted to keep the existing table unchanged,so

    update sysextendedarticlesview set pre_creation_cmd=0;

    Now if I push subscriptions, i get the desired results.

    Hope this helps,

    shakti bhadupotey

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