
  • Hello

    I would like to know if replication is set up at the subscriber for the first time, the snapshot will be applied. Now next time if at the subscriber synchronization is initialised will the snapshot files be required at the subscriber location.

    this is in the case where I have mentioned alternate location for subscriber.


    One more thing

    If I go with the defination of snapshot, then it says that it is a set of schema & data. Now if the snapshot collects that data then why do we not require to update the snaphot in the next synchronization process.




    John Mendonca

  • If you are using snapshot replication (there are 3 types: Snapshot, Transactional and Merge), then each time you sincro the subscribers then a new snapshot will be aplied.


    If you are using any one of the other two, then the snapshot is valid only for the initial sincronization. Then only changes will be replicated.

    If you also reinitialize or a subscription expires, then a new snapshot will be necesarelly.

    The funtion of the snapshot is to put to databases (subscribers and publisher) in a consistent state to start replicating all the changes.

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