August 19, 2008 at 10:36 pm
Dear Friends
i used sp for sending smtp mail through sql server 2000
Its coming perfectly…but I don’t how to insert query result in html format in the mail
Please help me’s urgent
This is sp
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sendMail_With_CDOMessage1
@handle INT,
@return INT,
@s-2 VARCHAR(64),
@sc VARCHAR(1024),
@up CHAR(27),
@from VARCHAR(64),
@server VARCHAR(255),
@filename VARCHAR(255),
@to VARCHAR(64),
@subject VARCHAR(255),
@body VARCHAR(8000)
SET @s-2 = '"'
@s-2 = 'Configuration.Fields(' + @s-2,
@up = 'Configuration.Fields.Update',
@from = '',
@to =',
@subject = 'Test',
@server = ‘’
-- or IP address, e.g. ''
-- if you want an attachment:
,@filename = 'C:\1.txt'
EXEC @return = sp_OACreate 'CDO.Message', @handle OUT
SET @sc = @s-2 + 'sendusing").Value'
EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, @sc, '2'
SET @sc = @s-2 + 'smtpserver").Value'
EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, @sc, @server
EXEC @return = sp_OAMethod @handle, @up, NULL
EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'To', @to
EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'From', @from
EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'Subject', @subject
EXEC @return = sp_OASetProperty @handle, 'htmlBody', @body
IF @filename IS NOT NULL
EXEC @return = sp_OAMethod @handle, 'AddAttachment', NULL, @filename
EXEC @return = sp_OAMethod @handle, 'Send', NULL
August 21, 2008 at 5:58 am
i want to send email from sql server stored procedure using smpt server( kindly guide me how i can do it.
I m new in SQL.. Kindly tell me in detail
Thanks in advance
August 21, 2008 at 7:06 am
Here is the best way I have found to use smtp in SQL Server 7, 2000. Download, install, and use xp_smtp_sendmail. Here's the link:
Jack Corbett
Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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