Slow SQL Query

  • drop it into a text file and attach the text file.

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • here i m attached the table defination...

    plz check & tell me is anything need to check.

    revert me back ASAP

  • Dave Ballantyne (7/13/2009)

    Select into will be faster if 'select into/bulkcopy' is set in sp_dbOption as it will be a non-logged operation.

    From Books Online:

    Starting with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, if the recovery model of the database is currently set to FULL, using the select into/bulkcopy option resets the recovery model to BULK_LOGGED. The proper way to change the recovery model is by using the SET RECOVERY clause of the ALTER DATABASE statement.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • i optimize my SQL Query

    select Distinct Auditdata.ID into Auditdata_sms FROM auditdata AuditData

    INNER JOIN AuditMaster am ON am.ID = AuditData.AuditMaster_ID

    iNNER JOIN HomeCircleMaster hcm ON hcm.Ori_CircleMaster_ID = am.CircleMaster_ID AND hcm.Ori_ServiceTypeMaster_ID = 1 AND hcm.Dest_ServiceTypeMaster_ID = 1

    INNER JOIN AuditTaggingMaster atm ON atm.AuditMaster_ID = am.ID

    INNER JOIN NoSeriesMaster ns on (ns.CircleMaster_ID = am.CircleMaster_ID or ns.CircleMaster_ID = hcm.Dest_CircleMaster_ID) AND ns.ProviderMaster_ID = am.ProviderMaster_ID AND ns.ServiceTypeMaster_ID = 1

    INNER JOIN ProviderMaster_CallTypeMaster pm_ctm ON pm_ctm.ProviderMaster_ID = am.ProviderMaster_ID AND pm_ctm.CallTypeMaster_ID = 101 AND pm_ctm.CallTypeTagValue = AuditData.CallTypeTag

    INNER JOIN NoSeriesMaster_Prefix PD ON SUBSTRING(AuditData.CallTo, 1, CONVERT(INT, PD.PrefixLen)) = PD.PrefixNo AND LEN(AuditData.CallTo) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CONVERT(INT, PD.PrefixLen) + CONVERT(INT, PD.AfterPrefixLen)) AND PD.PrefixNo + ns.NoSeries = LEFT(AuditData.CallTo, len(ns.NoSeries) + CONVERT(INT, PD.PrefixLen))

    WHERE AuditData.TATCallType is NULL AND AuditData.AuditMaster_ID = 74 AND PD.PrefixType = 'SMS'

    now my above query takes 4 minutes to take against 1500000 rows

    using above query i m taking Original table ID to the temp table its take around 4.00 minutes

    but after that i need to update tatcalltype,tatcallunit to original table using ID columns for that i m using below query.

    update Auditdata set tatcalltype=20,tatcallunit=1 from auditdata auditdata

    inner join auditdata_sms a_sms on

    the above query takes more than 4 minutes whats wrong in above query even both table ID column datatype is integer

    Please reply ASAP

  • maxyogesh2002 (7/13/2009)

    revert me back ASAP

    I don't think there is any "revert" happening here anytime soon.........

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

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