Size of Log Files and TempDB

  • Greetings all,

    I have a production SQL 7 database that is currently about 3.5 Gigs and I am in the process of moving this to a newer server with lots more power and disk space. The DB was originally set up by a vendor 2 years ago, and while the database has grown the log file sizes have remained static.

    My questions are: do the old 6.5 recommendations for logs (25% 0f data file size)still hold true? Or should I not worry about it as they can grow dynamically in 7.0 and as long as the initial size is reasonable? And what about TempDB? What is the best method of determining what the optimum initial size should be? Any advice or assistance is greatly appreciated.

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • First don't worry too much about tempdb it pretty much lives it's own way. I usually leave dynamic with a minimum of what I know a weeks growth will be (I do a full backup weekly). At that time I do several processes and truncate the file and shrink back to the size I had it at. Now the reason I don't follow the rulle of 25% is each DB is different and I don't want to just waste space. If I followed the 25% rulle I would have several database squash it and run out of space (I have one database that is always about 100MB but a weeks worth of transactions is averaging 500MB so a 25MB file would be useless to me and I want the file not to grow as much as possible to keep hard drive access as smooth as possible and limit fragmentation of the file system.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape the in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

    Edited by - antares686 on 03/18/2002 3:16:37 PM

  • Tend to agree. You should know how much your dbs need for a log and give a little buffer. Also, limit growth. Unlimited growth is just begging for the disk to run out of space. Better to get a "log full" msg than one with no disk space as well.

    Steve Jones

  • Not sure I agree about setting a max size, maybe because Im in a small company and can run a looser ship! One thing I do though is keep a junk file on the drive just in case - should I ever run out of space I can delete it while I clean up.


  • Thanks to you all for the responses. I've also added a second drive array to this server and after configuring it as RAID 5 I have about 70 gigs for the data files. Is there any reason to create separate partitions on this array or should I just create one large one? The only reason I can see for having separate partitions is if I wanted to keep my test and production data files on separate partitions. Thanks again - It's great to have these forums as a resource.

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • I vote for one partition.


  • I vote 1 partition also.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Not any great benefit for 2 partitions. The second thread's gains may be lost with the movement of the heads. Hard to quantify any gains.

    Steve Jones

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