single qoute

  • hi

    i have a replace function for single qoute replace to 2 single quotes but when it display the record it show onli one single qoute y izit so??? can anyone explain???

    pls enlighten me.. thank...

  • This seems to work fine ,

    DECLARE @Var varchar(10)

    SET @Var = 'TEST' + Char(39) + 'TEST'

    PRINT @Var

    SET @Var = REPLACE (@Var,CHAR(39),CHAR(39)+CHAR(39))

    PRINT @Var

    CHAR(39) is the ASCII Value for single quote

    are you sure the replace function is working fine ???

  • hi

    for the code tat u provide is to put in the insert sql or which part of the code?

    ya i haf problem using replace function when i choose the option in the pulldown menu that i use the replace function it will nt display the record and will said no record found.

    pls give me some advice... a million thank....

  • Hi ,

    i'm sorry , i can't quite follow you , are you talking about some front-end replace problem!?!

  • Hi...

    Days ago, i'got a similar prob.

    You must be aware that, when you use a Replace() function to substitute a single-quote to double-quote, AND then do a INSERT or UPDATE to a record, SQL WILL insert the string has single-quoted!

    So, if you do a select to that record, you'll see it with a single-quote ...

    TRY THIS (Query Analyzer)


    USE tempdb


    --SELECT 'Dave O'Brian' -- Wont work!

    SELECT 'Dave O''Brian'-- It works


    See what happends???




  • Each single quote must be doubled for SQL to work a ' repeated as '' is not the same as ". They are two difference characters.

    If you replace(@string, '''', '''''') it will work.

    declare @a varchar(20)

    select @a = 'That''s a test'

    select @a = replace('That''s a test', '''', '''''')

    select @a

    Steve Jones

  • Steve,

    It's hard to tell whether you are using single or double quotes in your response. I've noticed that in most threads (not just yours). I suggest emphasizing which type of quotes are being used so there's no confusion.


  • Sorry, I see what you mean.

    In the code, the first replace is a single quote, followed by 2 single quotes, then another single quote. Why 4?

    1 - open string

    2 & 3 - escape the single quote I am looking for by doubling it.

    4 closing quote.

    The replacement string has an open and close, but two sets of two single quotes, 4 in all. This is to escape the replacements, which are replacing one single quote (doubled to escape it) with two single quotes (each doubled to escape them).

    Steve Jones

  • hi

    why must use

    USE tempdb


    can anyone explain???

    thank you...

  • You don't have to use TempDB. The poster was using it as an example. One of the advantages of TempDB is it gets rebuilt when SQL Server is restarted. Therefore, anything we do within TempDB is guaranteed not to be permanent. It isn't required, however, for what you are trying to do.

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

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