single processor license SQL 2005 Ent Edition on Multi processor env.

  • 1. What if single processor license SQL 2005 Ent Edition is installed on a Multiple Processor (4CPU) Server. Will it use 1-CPU or 4-CPU?

    2. When I look at task manager running application tab, it shows sometimes SqlServer.exe, and some times sqlservr.exe *32. Why? What that mean sqlServr.exe VS sqlServr.exe *32?

    pls help and thanks in advance

  • Licensing is up to you to be honest about. i.e. SQL Server will use whatever CPU's you let it use and will not complain - after all, it cannot see the license doco you have. If you "move" your SQL Server installation from a single CPU server to a 4x CPU server, it is expected (by Microsoft) that you will update your license and pay some more cash.

    As for your second issue - I have not seen these. Perhaps someone else can help

  • Thanks for your reply.

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