single file in secondary filegroup cannot be removed ???

  • DBCC SHRINKFILE     ( ALZDBA_Data_ObjectsDD20031130 , EMPTYFILE )

    --DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.


    ALTER DATABASE [ALZDBA] remove FILE N'ALZDBA_Data_ObjectsDD20031130'


    -- Server: Msg 5042, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    -- The file 'ALZDBA_Data_ObjectsDD20031130' cannot be removed because it is not empty.


    ALTER DATABASE [ALZDBA] remove FILEGROUP [ObjectsDD20031130]


    -- Server: Msg 5042, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    -- The filegroup 'ObjectsDD20031130' cannot be removed because it is not empty.

    SELECT  sysFile.groupid AS GroupID

    , SUBSTRING(sysFile.groupname,1,30) AS FilegroupName

    , SUBSTRING(,1,30) AS ObjectName

    FROM sysobjects sysObj

     INNER JOIN sysindexes sysIdx

      ON =

     INNER JOIN sysfilegroups sysFile

      ON sysIdx.groupid = sysFile.groupid

    WHERE  sysIdx.indid = 0

    and sysFile.groupname = 'ObjectsDD20031130'

    ORDER BY  sysFile.groupname, sysObj.ObjectName

    -- GroupID FilegroupName                  ObjectName                    

    -- ------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------


    -- (0 row(s) affected)

    Any hints to get rid of this file and filegroup ?


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  • Check dbcc shrinkfile (EMPTYFILE  parameter).

    First you need to move all the data that is in the file to another file of the same filegroup. And then you will be able to drop the file.

  • I must have had a very week moment

    The pitfall was the query !

    SELECT  sysFile.groupid AS GroupID

    , SUBSTRING(sysFile.groupname,1,30) AS FilegroupName

    , SUBSTRING(,1,30) AS ObjectName

    FROM sysobjects sysObj

     INNER JOIN sysindexes sysIdx

      ON =

     INNER JOIN sysfilegroups sysFile

      ON sysIdx.groupid = sysFile.groupid

    -- ommitted the where-clause because indexes can reside in an other filegroup

    -- than their table

    -- WHERE  sysIdx.indid = 0 -- heaps

    -- or sysIdx.indid = 1 -- clustered indexes (was missing) 

    and sysFile.groupname = 'ObjectsDD20031130'

    ORDER BY  sysFile.groupname, sysObj.ObjectName

    This still resulted in one table residing in that filegroup !

    I moved the table and then I could drop the file and the filegroup.


    Learn to play, play to learn !

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