Simulation Questions Exam 70-431

  • There was 35 multiple choice questions and 12-15 simulations questions.

    Simulation questions account for around 600 marks and 300 for the multiple option questions.

  • On 30 Jul 2009 I did the 790-431 again. I got 1,000 marks on the Non-Performnce based section & 880 in the Performance based section. In the Performance based section I got the same problem where I had to ...

    Editor: Remove the question details as it violates NDA

    But at least I passed!

  • harryamow (1/24/2010)

    I got the same problem where I had to ...

    What you've said there is in violation of the exam NDA agreement that you accepted when you wrote the exam. I strongly suggest that you remove that comment ASAP or MS may have grounds for revoking your certification.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • If the thread read funny, it is because I have removed NDA details about the exam from some posts.

  • I also wrote today and experienced some items not 'selectable' on the options for creating backup questions. On return to the office I checked with my colleagues and four people seem to agree with me that of all the options I could have chosen, there was no other way to reach the end goal. I could not change the destination directory, no matter how I tried I got the error message that 'this option is not available for this simulation'. Now some people say that if you click too much it counts against you, but at the beginning of the test it clearly states that the end result is marked. I intend to raise this with the exam centre and if I am wrong I will accept this but until I am convinced otherwise, I must agree that there are some bugs in this little test system...

    I would really hope that if more people actually raise the issue then there will be less posts online about the same type of issues and they will get fixed. To fail by two questions that you suspect should not have been wrong in the first place is worth the effort I think.

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