simplifying query

  • I have problems with the query below - it does return the right result set but it's taking quite a bit time (assume good indexes) and I'm looking into simplifying it. Any help I could get, would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks a lot, mj

    SELECT distinct

    n.cust_id, es.er_id, n.name_id, n.first_name, n.mid_name, n.last_name, n.name_gen, es.cust_id as conflict_cust_id

    from name n, er_cust_state es

    where n.dsrc_acct_id = es.dsrc_acct_id and

    n.name_id = (select max(n2.name_id) from name n2

    where n2.dsrc_acct_id in

    ( select es2.dsrc_acct_id from er_cust_state es2

    where es2.cust_id = es.cust_id and es2.er_id = es.er_id )


    (n2.sys_delete_dt is null


    n2.sys_delete_dt >= (select distinct min(sc.conflict_dt)

    from sep_conflict sc

    where sc.conf_cust1 = es.cust_id and sep_test_id = es.er_id)


    n2.sys_delete_dt >= (select distinct min(sc.conflict_dt)

    from sep_conflict sc

    where sc.conf_cust2 = es.cust_id and sep_test_id = es.er_id)))

  • Something like the following may help:









        ,es.cust_id as conflict_cust_id

    FROM [name] n

        JOIN er_cust_state es

            ON n.dsrc_acct_id = es.dsrc_acct_id

        JOIN (

                SELECT es2.cust_id, es2.er_id, MAX(n2.name_id) AS name_id

                FROM [name] n2

                    JOIN er_cust_state es2

                        ON n2.dsrc_acct_id = es2.dsrc_acct_id

                    LEFT JOIN (

                            SELECT sc11.conf_cust1, sc11.sep_test_id, MIN(sc11.conflict_dt) AS conflict_dt

                            FROM sep_conflict sc11

                            GROUP BY sc11.conf_cust1, sc11.sep_test_id

                        ) SC1

                        ON es2.cust_id = SC1.conf_cust1

                            AND es2.er_id = SC1.sep_test_id

                    LEFT JOIN (

                            SELECT sc21.conf_cust2, sc21.sep_test_id, MIN(sc21.conflict_dt) AS conflict_dt

                            FROM sep_conflict sc21

                            GROUP BY sc21.conf_cust2, sc21.sep_test_id

                        ) SC2

                        ON es2.cust_id = SC2.conf_cust2

                            AND es2.er_id = SC2.sep_test_id

                WHERE n2.sys_delete_dt IS NULL

                    OR n2.sys_delete_dt >= SC1.conflict_dt

                    OR n2.sys_delete_dt >= SC2.conflict_dt

                GROUP BY es2.cust_id, es2.er_id

            ) D

            ON es.cust_id = D.cust_id

                AND es.er_id = D.er_id

                AND n.name_id = D.name_id


  • Thanks a lot for the help.

    It looks though that this query returns double size of the data then the original one.

    I'll try to modify it.

    Thanks a lot again, mj

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