Simplify the Creation of XML from SQL Server Data

  • Great article.

    I would really like to see how this is implemented, but could not find the download ?

  • Perfect timing on this article too. I am about to implement some AJAX code and was looking for the right solution for generating the XML output from SQL.

    The article is well written except I could not find a download link for the samples and the link at the bottom of the article to a Shape testing server is http://localhost/


    Thanks for the article.


  • Loved the article, but none of the links work, and no download to try it.


    Jason Hawryluk

  • I agree - the article was great. 

    One link does work:

    Re: "The accompanying download includes the binary and configuration files necessary to experiment with shapes on your own.There's no download available with the article -- did you (or the folks at SQLServerCentral) forget to include it?

    Regards, BobM


    Bob Monahon

  • After just resorting to VBScript to create an XML file, I too would love to see the download.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I to would like to test this code and wish there was a link to download the files.  I could use this I believe.

  • please find the download at:

    and a sample site at

    thanks for the interest!  let me know if you have any installation troubles or further questions.



  • Anyone had any success at getting to the website?

    I've tried from my work computer and home computer and just get connection timeout errors.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I couldn't get it either.

    Steve Miller

  • I couldn't get it either ...

  • What is this site? I get timeouts as well.

  • Great, I got the attachments! Thanks.

    This is a great solution to the problem. Many solutions include offloading the XML creation to SQL server, which just adds more stress to a single point of failure for most websites and applications. Also, it makes the SQL server output higher by adding XML tags and such at the SQL end. I dont like adding anything to SQL server I dont have to.

    The one drawback (and it is a big one) is that you do not supply the source for the DLL. This is actually something which could be added to a good opensource project. If I dare use this DLL in a project for production, I have no guarantee that it will work in future versions of .net and if there is a bug in the library, I have no way to fix it myself or ask someone else to fix it. If this were open sourced or even made available for purchase from a company that would be around a while, that would be great and I would start using it immediately.

    Paul Perrick


  • I'm still getting timeouts, is this a browser address?

  • Good article - thanks Hugh.  A shame about the download, but I'm sure you'll get that fixed.

    In case anyone's not familiar with the FOR XML clause, here's how you can get XML results equivalent to the results in the article.  As is so often the case, the method you choose will depend on your requirements, and the method in the article is a very useful one to add to the toolbox.

    Okay, here we go.  Both of these stored procedure calls...

    exec dbo.XmlAuto_EmployeeActivity 6, '1 Jan 1997', '31 Jan 1997'

    exec dbo.XmlExplicit_EmployeeActivity 6, '1 Jan 1997', '31 Jan 1997'


    <Employee EmployeeID="6" LastName="Suyama" FirstName="Michael">

      <Customer CustomerID="GOURL" CompanyName="Gourmet Lanchonetes">

        <Order OrderID="10423" OrderDate="1997-01-23T00:00:00">

          <Item ProductID="31" UnitPrice="10.0000" Quantity="14" Discount="0.0000000e+000"/>

          <Item ProductID="59" UnitPrice="44.0000" Quantity="20" Discount="0.0000000e+000"/>



      <Customer CustomerID="LAMAI" CompanyName="La maison d&apos;Asie">

        <Order OrderID="10425" OrderDate="1997-01-24T00:00:00">

          <Item ProductID="55" UnitPrice="19.2000" Quantity="10" Discount="2.5000000e-001"/>

          <Item ProductID="76" UnitPrice="14.4000" Quantity="20" Discount="2.5000000e-001"/>




    And here's the code for the 2 stored procedures...

    create procedure dbo.XmlAuto_EmployeeActivity

      @employeeID  int

    , @startDate   smalldatetime

    , @endDate     smalldatetime as


      Employee.EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName,

      Customer.CustomerID, CompanyName,

      [Order].OrderID, OrderDate,

      ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity, Discount


      Employees as Employee

      inner join Orders as [Order] on Employee.EmployeeID = [Order].EmployeeID

      inner join Customers as Customer on Customer.CustomerID = [Order].CustomerID

      inner join [Order Details] as Item on Item.OrderID = [Order].OrderID


      Employee.EmployeeID = @employeeID and orderDate between @startDate and @endDate

    for xml auto


    create procedure dbo.XmlExplicit_EmployeeActivity

      @employeeID  int

    , @startDate   smalldatetime

    , @endDate     smalldatetime as

    --Put relevant orders into a table variable

    declare @tblOrders table (OrderID int primary key)

    insert @tblOrders

    select orderID from orders

    where employeeId = @employeeId and orderDate between @startDate and @endDate



      null as 'tag', null as 'parent', --

      null as 'Employee!1!EmployeeID', null as 'Employee!1!LastName', null as 'Employee!1!FirstName', --Employee

      null as 'Customer!2!CustomerID', null as 'Customer!2!CompanyName', --Customer

      null as 'Order!3!OrderID', null as 'Order!3!OrderDate', --Order

      null as 'Item!4!ProductID', null as 'Item!4!UnitPrice', null as 'Item!4!Quantity', null as 'Item!4!Discount' --Item

    where 0 = 1



    select 1, null, /**/ EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, /**/ null, null, /**/ null, null, /**/ null, null, null, null

    from Employees where employeeID = @employeeId



    select 2, 1, /**/ @employeeId, null, null, /**/ CustomerID, CompanyName, /**/ null, null, /**/ null, null, null, null

    from Customers where customerID in (select customerID from orders where orderID in (select orderID from @tblOrders))



    select 3, 2, /**/ @employeeId, null, null, /**/ CustomerID, null, /**/ OrderID, OrderDate, /**/ null, null, null, null

    from orders where orderID in (select orderID from orders where orderID in (select orderID from @tblOrders))



    select 4, 3, /**/ @employeeId, null, null, /**/ CustomerID, null, /**/ d.OrderID, null, /**/ ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity, Discount

    from [Order Details] d inner join Orders o on o.orderID = d.orderID where d.orderID in (select orderID from @tblOrders)

    order by 'Employee!1!EmployeeID', 'Customer!2!CustomerID', 'Order!3!OrderID', 'Item!4!ProductID'

    for xml explicit




    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

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