simple trigger

  • can you give examples of :

    3. Get the last assigned customer prefix

    4. Insert (as a set) the new customers, along with the correct customer prefix based on #2, #3 and a row_number() offset.

    5. If you still need to, update the "entity sequence" with the number of new customers plus #2.

  • paul.starr (2/19/2009)

    can you give examples of :

    3. Get the last assigned customer prefix

    4. Insert (as a set) the new customers, along with the correct customer prefix based on #2, #3 and a row_number() offset.

    5. If you still need to, update the "entity sequence" with the number of new customers plus #2.


    I can give you some code as an example, sure.

    if object_id('dbo.Customer') is not null

    drop table dbo.Customer;

    create table dbo.Customer(

    CustomerID int identity not null primary key,

    CustomerPrefix varchar(3) not null unique,

    CustomerName varchar(100) not null unique


    insert into dbo.Customer(




    select 'AAA', 'A as in Aardvark' union all

    select 'AAB', 'AB, CD goldfish';


    if object_id('dbo.EntitySequence') is not null

    drop table dbo.EntitySequence;

    create table dbo.EntitySequence(

    EntitySequenceID int identity not null primary key,

    EntityName nvarchar(128) not null unique,

    CurrentSequence int not null


    insert into dbo.EntitySequence(




    select 'dbo.Customer', 2;



    -- creating a table variable here just to hold some examples of

    -- new customers. You can replace this with whatever code you

    -- actually use to get your new customers


    declare @newCustomerExample table(

    CustomerName varchar(100) not null primary key


    insert into @newCustomerExample(



    select 'MNO Golfish' union all

    select 'CDBD Eyes';

    declare @newCustomerRows int,

    @lastCustomerPrefix varchar(3),

    @customerPrefixBase int,

    @aValue int,

    @letters int;

    set @aValue = ascii('A');

    set @letters = ascii('Z') - @aValue;


    -- create a transaction to ensure nothing else comes along

    -- and makes changes to customers while we are doing this

    begin transaction BulkCustomers


    -- look up the last assigned customer prefix


    select top 1

    @lastCustomerPrefix = CustomerPrefix

    from dbo.Customer with (tablock holdlock)

    order by

    CustomerID desc;


    -- calculate a numeric version of the customer prefix, so we

    -- can calculate the correct value during the insert simply

    -- by adding two numbers together, then converting the result

    -- back to a string


    set @customerPrefixBase =

    (ascii(substring(@lastCustomerPrefix, 1, 1)) - @aValue) * @letters * @letters +

    (ascii(substring(@lastCustomerPrefix, 2, 1)) - @aValue) * @letters +

    (ascii(substring(@lastCustomerPrefix, 3, 1)) - @aValue);


    -- now create the new customers along with the prefix



    NewCustomer as (

    select CustomerName,

    @customerPrefixBase + (row_number() over (order by CustomerName)) as CustomerPrefixBase

    from @newCustomerExample


    insert into dbo.Customer(




    select CustomerName,

    char(@aValue + (CustomerPrefixBase / @letters / @letters)) +

    char(@aValue + (CustomerPrefixBase / @letters) % @letters) +

    char(@aValue + (CustomerPrefixBase % @letters))

    from NewCustomer;

    set @newCustomerRows = @@rowcount;


    -- now move the entity sequence number


    update dbo.EntitySequence

    set CurrentSequence = CurrentSequence + @newCustomerRows

    where EntityName = 'dbo.Customer';


    -- remember to commit to release the locks


    commit transaction;


    -- let's see the results


    select *

    from dbo.Customer;

    select *

    from dbo.EntitySequence;


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