Simple query. Inserting records into a table only if they don''t exists.

  • Ok I've done this before but I must have forgotten the correct syntax so I created an example script that is trying to do the same thing.

    declare @tmpActiveProfiles table(BRP_Flag char(1), uid int)

    insert into @tmpActiveProfiles(BRP_Flag , uid)

    select BP.BRP_Flag, BP.UID from


     select 'N' as BRP_Flag, 1 as UID


     select 'N' as BRP_Flag, 2 as UID


     select 'N' as BRP_Flag, 3 as UID


     select 'Y' as BRP_Flag, 3 as UID) BP

    left join @tmpActiveProfiles T on T.UID = BP.UID

    where T.UID is null

    select * from @tmpActiveProfiles

    ----- OUTPUT -----

    BRP_Flag uid        

    -------- -----------

    N        1

    N        2

    N        3

    Y        3


    Why did the last record get inserted? I thought the left join would not be null on the last record so it should not have been inserted?


    I've also wrote the same query with exists and it's the same results.


    Any ideas.



  • The last record will be inserted because the temp table is empty at the time the query is executed.  If you execute each statement individually by left joining it to the variable table, then the last record would not be inserted.

    insert into @tmpActiveProfiles(BRP_Flag, uid)

    SELECT 'N' as BRP_Flag, 1 as UID LEFT JOIN

    @tmpActiveProfiles t on t.UID=bp.UID WHERE t.UID is null

    insert into @tmpActiveProfiles(BRP_Flag, uid)

    SELECT 'N' as BRP_Flag, 2 as UID LEFT JOIN

    @tmpActiveProfiles t on t.UID=bp.UID WHERE t.UID is null



  • Ok that makes sense, now that I think about it when I did it before the table was already populated so duplicates were ommitted, i've never had the insert list with dupes.

    In that case if I had a result set comming back as in my example above how would I select records with the unique UID, it doesn't matter which of the last two records I get just that I only get one of them.

    Select top 3 won't work because my real result set is much larger.



  • Thankyou bdohman!

    Ok I figured it out, maybe not the best way but this is what I came up with. Doing two inserts

    with a where clause.


    declare @tmpActiveProfiles table(BRP_Flag char(1), uid int)

    insert into @tmpActiveProfiles(BRP_Flag , uid)

    select BP.BRP_Flag, BP.UID from


     select 'N' as BRP_Flag, 1 as UID


     select 'N' as BRP_Flag, 2 as UID


     select 'N' as BRP_Flag, 3 as UID


     select 'Y' as BRP_Flag, 3 as UID) BP

    where BP.BRP_Flag = 'Y'

    insert into @tmpActiveProfiles(BRP_Flag , uid)

    select BP.BRP_Flag, BP.UID from


     select 'N' as BRP_Flag, 1 as UID


     select 'N' as BRP_Flag, 2 as UID


     select 'N' as BRP_Flag, 3 as UID


     select 'Y' as BRP_Flag, 3 as UID) BP

    left join @tmpActiveProfiles T on T.UID = BP.UID

    where T.BRP_Flag is null and BP.BRP_Flag = 'N'

    select * from @tmpActiveProfiles


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