Simple issue of locking and checking problem. Please advise

  • Hi,

    I have this simple issue on SQL Server with ASP.NET on my

    web application.

    Here is my issue

    User A using a ID to lock some object in a table TBL. The locking

    is to prevent other user from using that same ID util user A have

    complete his task. So, if User B come in and found similar ID in

    table TBL, he will be probihited to proceed his task.

    However, problem surface when User A might have system crash or

    hang and other issue that might halt other user from using that

    same ID. I am thinking of having some expiry date timestamp in

    table TBL to let other user check the expiry time of that ID.

    However, I not sure how long the expiry timestamp should be

    for any ID as it depend on the task involve. The expiry timestamp

    will vary for different ID involve.

    I don't think using some background task to extend the expiry

    time stamp from ASP.NET is a good ideal as it increase the network traffic for that ID.

    Is there any good ideal or way to solve above issue that I facing using

    SQL Server alone. I don't think using job in SQL server will help

    as it will not know whether any of the user task is still active or

    the system is dead/halt.

    Thank you.

  • While locking u can identifiy the user session id of sql server. Then u can put the session id and lock details in an application collection. if the user B want's to access the locked record, u r checking the lock status of the particular object. If it is locked, why don't u check the user A's user session id of sql server that, whethere that is active or not? if the session is expired (i mean dead or closed) u can force the system to unlock the object and open for user B. Try this logic.

    all the best.

    Kindest Regards,

    Saravanan V

  • Similar to the answer above, I record the spid and login_time from master..sysprocesses when recording the locking info.

    Anytime I create a new lock I first delete all lock entries where the spid/login_time no longer exist in master..sysprocesses.


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