Simple Enough..

  • Hey all, I'm having trouble with a sproc, I'm mainly a web developer, so I'm coming to you SQL gurus for some help! 🙂 Anyway heres the basics of the sproc I will be passing in a customer_ID, and a description of the info i want, based on the description the view will select * from some table where customer_ID = @customer_ID. Here's what ive come up with so far:

    CREATE Procedure p_get_customerdetails

    /* Param List */

    @Customer_ID int,

    @view varchar(20)



    Declare @whichview varchar(20)

    Select @whichview =


    WHEN @view = 'custMain' then 'vw_CUSTOMER'

    WHEN @view = 'Devices' then 'vw_CustomerDevices'

    When @view = 'Setup' then 'vw_CUSTOMER_Setup'

    WHEN @view = 'trxHist' then 'vw_Customer_MaintenaceHistory'


    Select * From @whichview Where Customer_ID = @Customer_ID

    Thanks Ahead of time for any help!

  • I think you're going over the top by choosing a stored procedure for this task. To acheive what you're trying to do within a procedure you'll need to use dynamic SQL, and then you'll lose most of the benefits of using a stored procedure anyway.

    I suggest separate stored procedures for each view you're accessing, or just direct selection from the views rather than invoking a procedure.

    - Mark

  • Yeah I've been moving that way myself, was hoping to save some time with this but I think i'll just use some inline statements in my dal or sep sprocs for each select statement. Probably the latter.

  • Try this instead

    CREATE Procedure p_get_customerdetails

    /* Param List */

    @Customer_ID int,

    @view Int =0 AS



        0 = CustMain

        1 = Devices

        2 = Setup

        3 = trxHist


    IF @view = 0


            SELECT * FROM vw_CUSTOMER WHERE CustomerId = @Customer_ID

            RETURN 0


    IF @view = 1


            SELECT * FROM vw_CustomerDevices WHERE CustomerId = @Customer_ID

            RETURN 0


    IF @view = 2


            SELECT * FROM vw_Customer_Setup WHERE CustomerId = @Customer_ID

            RETURN 0


    IF @view = 3


            SELECT * FROM vw_Customer_MaintenaceHistory WHERE CustomerId = @Customer_ID

            RETURN 0



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