Silly question...

  • Uh oh, am I going to have to change my name again?  Somebody stole my Galactic Overlord identity and after much gnashing of teeth they finally let me change my name to Joe...

    The Other Joe.


  • Joe Teck - yes, most of us can install SQL.

    Personally, it's been 5 years since I used "autorun" on a CD to install any part of SQL.

    In fact, used a CD at all...


  • See

    p.s. I think remi was referring specifically to install from dev ed disk not generally on how to install

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • ... hey, I'm not the one who can't install from a CD here .

  • Never said you were

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Never said it was you who said that either .

  • That's OK then

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Any way someone can zip up the program and e-mail it to me... This is just too crazy... It should not be this difficult to install software...

  • Yeah that's gonna happen, ask microsoft if they will send it to you . You won't get that from here.

  • 1.      double click on AUTORUN.EXE. 

    2.      on the next screen, click on SQL SERVER 2000 COMPONENTS

    3.      on the screen after that click on INSTALL DATABASE SERVER.

    4.      screen: Welcome

    • click Next

    5.      screen: Computer Name

    • select Local Computer
    • click Next

    6.      screen: Installation Selection

    • select ”Create a new Instance of SQL Server, or install Client Tools”
    • click Next

    7.      screen: Information

    • type appropriate Name and Company information
    • click Next

    8.      screen: Software License Agreement

    • click Yes

    9.      screen: Installation Definition

    • select “Client Tools Only”

    10.  screen: Select Components

    • take the defaults they should be

    • Management Tools

    • Enterprise Manager
    • Profiler
    • Query Analyzer
    • DTC Client Support
    • Conflict Viewer
  • Client Connectivity
  • Book Online
    • Books Online on Disk
  • Development Tools
    • Debugger Interface
  • Click Next
  • 11.  screen: Start Copying Files

    • click Next (stretch your legs, this will take a couple of minutes)

    12.  screen: Setup Complete

    • click Finish
  • YOU THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you so much...

    Now thats what I needed....

    Nice Job. Give this guy 5 stars....

  • You the man!!!!!!!!

    Now to learn basic funtions of this program....

  • Told ya you had to do a few next .

  • Why would be so buried and hard to find.... Don't answer that.

    Now that this is done, on to my next post / question.

  • Select the choice for INSTALL DATABASE COMPONENTS. Then you should get one of two options:

    1. You can select to install the Server and client tools, client tools only, Server only. Choose Client Tools Only. Continue. You will come to a window that lets you select exactly which client tools you want.

    2. You will get a message that Only Client Tools can be installed on this system. Click ok and continue until you come to the window that lets you select exactly which tools you want.


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