Silly Question - can''t remember an error message!

  • Hi all,

    I'm trying to write some support notes for some of the technical aspects of my job, as I'm going on long term leave, and this particular one is bugging me.  I want to write up what to do when you get a message that tells you of a failure becuase your transaction log needs truncating.  The old shrinkfile thingy.  I've searched the posts on here but although there are tons of them, they all give the solution.  I just need the actual error message so that I can add it to my notes.  I never thought of writing it down before now!

    A search of google has revealed nothing either, so your help would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks!


  • Error messages are stored in master.dbo.sysmessages  (sys.sysmessages for SQL2005)

    I believe the error you are referring to is number 9002

    The log file for database '%.*ls' is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • That's the one!  Lovely,thanks.  Just couldn't quite squeeze it out of my head, and didn't know where else to look!

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